Steak Eater
Controls are real sad for a 2009 Resident Evil. Oh well. 09年游戏出现这种操作真让我感到悲哀
I cant help myself but feel the game feels dated alongside Dead Space. Dead Space看这你说:“你已经过时了!”
I agree with you that after playing for a bit...seems like they could have made the controls better and not just the graphics but they just take some getting used to like RE4 on gamecube. 操作不够好,完全照搬生4没有改进
I hated the demo. It's lame how you can't walk and shoot. Or walk and reload. I guess when you play as an Abercrombie and Fitch looking boy band douche bag, you're going to suffer for his mental shortcomings.
Ok, so everyone complains about Kane and Lynch's controls. Yet a game(re5) comes a long with even more horrible controls, and we cant complains? 大家都抱怨卡恩和林奇的操作渣,好了,现在我们有了新下限
So this is not a purchase for me at day one, unfortunately. I'll wait to see what the responses are on the final game, but the incapacity to move and shoot, while not terribly bothersome to me in RE4, feels like two steps back after Dead Space and SH5. 我看来要观察一下他人的评价再决定买不买,生4的时候还行,但玩了Dead Space和寂静岭5后久觉得这种操作太落伍了
I'm not gonna say anything different than the rest of you guys...Great graphics, great enemies, hot sidekick, and it's RESIDENT EVIL....but controls are last gen! and Capcom needs to delay this game for however long it takes to fix the controls. 画面牛,敌人牛,黑妹子软,操作完全上世代,还是延期把操作改好再出来现世把
Dead Space is more survival horror than Resident Evil 5 (demo), and they didn't have to sacrifice the control scheme to do it. Dead Space比这个更有生存恐怖的感觉,为虾米人家不用非要有个纱布的操作才能让人感觉惊悚呢?
Big steaming pile of shat. If a game needs to have **** controls to make it scary/tense, then bull. They need to up the gameplay in a different way and not have **** controls and stupid AI be a burden. It's stupid. 如果游戏非TM要有个纱布操作才能让人惊吓,就让它滚粗去!
dumb AI, clunky controls, this is a frustrating as hell rehash milk job imo.. even tho ill beat in half the play time capcom claims.
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: BIO5 RE5 DEMO