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[新闻] 爆料~!!!11年E3索尼动向内部员工透露部分详情~!!


原文地址:http://www.hookedgamers.com/blog ... 3_2011_lineup.html#

- Sony will confirm the official name, pricing and release date of the NGP

- There will be 7 first party titles revealed for the NGP

- Hideo Kojima's NGP project likely to be Peace Walker

- The Wipeout engine has been perfectly ported over to the NGP and you can expect the release of the game in the first quarter of the NGP's launch

- Chance of another Metal Gear game on its way in the future

- There are 37 titles in the working for Sony platforms, but most will not be revealed until a European event (likely Gamescom)

- Sony will reveal titles that will not be available until Christmas 2012 at E3

- Santa Monica Studios will be on board, but don't expect much more information about the title (potentially next God of War title)
-Santa Monica 小组也会展出,但不要期待有更多关于下一代战神的相关信息

- A sequel to Warhawk will be revealed before E3

- 2 PS3 exclusives won't be presented at E3 but will be available before the end of the year in Europe

- Twisted Metal, Resistance 3, Uncharted 3 and The Last Guardian will be playable at E3

- Polyphony Digital are returning with a new title before March 2012
-Polyphony Digital 将会带来一款新游戏,预计2012年3月发售

- Polyphony would like to make Europe a privilege for its next title. "Please don't underestimate their work even if they deceived some of you."
- Polyphony将可能以欧洲为下一款游戏的主要市场

- A Rockstar game, probably GTA V, could be released before Agent was planned to be
-Rockstar的一款游戏可能是GTA V,可能会在代理商代理前就发布

- A third party title is in a "big battle" with Sony. The developers seem to be Bungie, so the game would be their next project with Activision.
-Sony的一个名叫“大战争”第三方游戏。开发方看起来是 Bungie,因此游戏将在Activision的下一步计划中

