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看来是雷了【Medal of Honor 】

  • Eurogamer (80/100): "As a game about the Afghanistan war that does its absolute utmost to avoid being about the Afghanistan war, Medal of Honor is arguably just a shooting gallery spliced with a fairground ride and a solid multiplayer accessory which owes a lot to Bad Company 2."

  • 1Up (B): "But while the multiplayer is very much a worthwhile experience, it lacks the scope and grandeur of Modern Warfare 2, let alone the upcoming Black Ops. By comparison, the number of play modes and customization/rank options seem quite limited, and it's hard to believe fevered Call of Duty or Bad Company 2 players will break from their current favorites to dedicate themselves to Medal of Honor."

  • Game Informer (70/100): "All the parts for a great multiplayer experience are here – class unlocks, a variety of familiar modes, lots of guns – but they don't come together in a way that makes Medal of Honor a must-play shooter. Military buffs may enjoy the game on some level, but in such a densely packed genre, EA must try harder to stand out."

  • IGN (60/100): "Swinging wildly between the horrors and danger of war and unrealistic action movie moments and hampered by a surplus of boring scripted sequences, not even DICE's talented multiplayer designers are able to elevate Medal of Honor to something memorable."

  • Giant Bomb (3/5): "But all of those scripting bugs and boring unlockables quickly add up, death-of-a-thousand-cuts style. In the absolutely ruthless world of online shooters, there's little room for weakness. Medal of Honor alternates between its derivative style and its annoying technical glitches way too frequently to rise above the crowd."



  Eurogamer – 8/10
  Videogamer – 7/10
  G4 – 4/5
  GamePro – 4/5
  TheSixthAxis – 8/10
  NowGamer – 8.6 (PS3), 6.6 (360)
  GiantBomb – 3/5
  GamesRadar – 8/10
  Game Informer – 7.0/10
  IGN UK – 6.0/10
  Joystiq – 4/5
  Gamers.at – 87%
  CVG – 8.5/10
  PlanetXbox360 – 77%
  IncGamers – 8/10
  InGame.de – 8.2/10
  Gameswelt.de – 360/PS3 – 76%, PC – 79%
  GamePro.de – 75%
  BoomtownX – 6/10
  Games.cz – 7/10
  Hrej.cz – 7/10
  Edge – 7/10

  整体表现 7.0 荣誉勋章的界面相当出彩,但是单人模式缺少一些我们期待的可定制控制设置。这款游戏可以说是今年发售的最多BUG的游戏。
  画面表现 7.0 尽管在白天场景中光影效果表现不俗,但是夜晚的游戏场景令人厌倦,游戏中也存在帧数的问题。
  音效表现 8.5 荣誉勋章的音乐和音效表现出众,特别是立体环绕系统的表现。
  游戏体验 6.0 单人模式十分短并且出人意料的乏味,游戏的射击更多的依靠自动瞄准而非技能,多人模式十分有趣,但是地图不给力,玩家很快就会厌倦。
  综合表现 7.0 荣誉勋章单人模式通关时间在4-6小时左右,多人模式在今年其他射击大作面前很快就会失去玩家关注。

