During his latest Lunchtime Video (embedded after the break), MTV Multiplayer's Stephen Totilo shows off his fancy LocoRoco drippy doodad ... but that isn't the big news. What is newsworthy is his expressed concern regarding Microsoft's catalog of Xbox 360 exclusives for 2009 being, well ... nonexistent. Totilo's evidence: the lack of major rumors going into spring, MS not scheduling many press demos during GDC, the loss of once Xbox exclusive franchises like Mass Effect and PGR, and still no information about the long-delayed Splinter Cell: Conviction and Alan Wake. To be fair, Totilo admits that 2009's confirmed exclusives likeHalo 3: ODST and the second batch of GTAIV DLC will be big hits, but fears those will be the only huge titles Microsoft will have for the year. Should Xbox 360 fans be worried about the possibility of '09 being exclusive-less or is Microsoft keeping its cards a secret and planning on going all in at GDC and E3? Please, tell us what you think.
原帖由 RestlessDream 于 2009-3-16 01:12 发表 [posted by wap, platform: Nokia (E71)] 纯属P话,今年GDC,E3,TGS,德国GC一个都没开,叫个鸡鸡。360都算没独占,那PS3真成纯蓝光机了……