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this is what we called a REAL.SONY.FAN with an objective view

daf94 (2 hours ago)

Man, i feel so sorry for Sony PS3. They had such a good start with PS1 and PS2. But i guess every thing has a end and start right you guys?

Sony you did a good job, you may have skrewed up a lot of your games and PS3 features but don't let anyone hurt you because i will always love you in the back of my mind! Don't let anyones comment stop you from trying to continue in this gaming war.


a Chinese fanboy ?:D

Ljosi (3 hours ago)

360 Rocks! I play online on xbox live for free cuz i have some modification built in my 360 that allows me to play copyed (cracked) games and play online for free.. i play gears of war (burned dvd) online all the time (nick: samik47)..

