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[业评] PS3即将到达1100万销售量


TOKYO (AFP) - Worldwide sales of Sony Corp.'s PlayStation 3 are expected to reach 11 million by the end of this fiscal year, a senior executive said in an interview published Saturday.

Sony Computer Entertainment's chief executive Kazuo Hirai told the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper he was confident of fulfilling that goal despite stiff competition from Nintendo's Wii and Microsoft's XBoX 360.

The PlayStation3 "is starting afresh as a console to play games with. Although pricing strategy is important, now we would like to put our strength in the number of software games," he said.

Sony cut the price of the PS3 by 10 percent in Japan to 39,980 yen (356 dollars) and launched a new slimmed-down version, ratcheting up the competition with its rivals ahead of the crucial year-end sales period.

A recent report said the PS3 video games console had outsold Nintendo's Wii in Japan in November.

The company has also announced that PS3 sales in North America more than tripled in the crucial Thanksgiving holiday week after a 100-dollar price cut.

Hirai told the Yomiuri he would like to see Sony's game division "escape as soon as possible from the red and return to the black in fiscal year 2008."




