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颠峰时期的成龙和李连杰打的过拳霸主角Tony Jaa吗?

受不了了。我是研究李小龙生平的。十年多了。竟然在这帖看到有人说龙哥拍文戏而不能打。文戏拍摄在去美国留学前。去美国留学前主要就是跟叶问学习咏春。同黄淳梁属于咏春门内实战派的。喜欢用实践来检验。有记载的一次就是跟蔡李佛弟子的对战。去美国后接触西方各派搏击术。开始反思总结最后创立截拳道。龙本身没擂台自由搏击的纪录。但他的 弟子很多都是擂台霸主。李的武术催生了后来全接触自由搏击比赛的正式诞生。相关资料可以查找。



1.现代自由搏击冠军 (赛事包括K-1和MMA)
2.世界搏击界的传奇人物 (都是当年亲眼目睹过李小龙实战的)

UFC President Dana White considers Bruce Lee as "the father of Mixed Martial Arts".  

UFC主席Dana White认为龙哥是MMA之父  

He is cited as a major influence by many K-1 and MMA champions: Bas Rutten, Jose "Pele" Landi-Jons, Wanderlei Silva, Emilianenko Fedor, Norifumi "Kid" Yamamoto, Rob Kaman, Ramon Dekkers, Frank Shamrock, Murilo and Mauricio Rua, Jerome Le Banner, Carlos Newton, Remy Bonjasky, Jeremy Horn, David Loiseau Pat Miletich, Randy Couture, Tito Ortiz, Wanderlei Silva and Chuck Liddell among others.


Stephan Bonnar - Growing up idolizing Bruce Lee, Stephan has excelled at jujitsu, taekwondo, wrestling, and was a local 2-time Golden Gloves champion in the super-heavyweight division

Stephan Bonnar从小到大的偶像是李小龙。

Rickson Gracie considers Bruce Lee, Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson as three of the most greatest fighters in fighting history.

Rickson Gracie 认为李小龙、阿里和泰森是三位搏击史上最伟大的格斗家。

Vitor Belfort Former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Fights Vitor Belfort at UFC 51. HEROES: Bruce Lee - an icon of mixed martial arts. Muhammad Ali. Looked at them and used that as a fuel for a fire for me to work with.

Vitor Belfort 说李小龙(mma的象征)和阿里是他的两个英雄。他们给他带来动力。

Ed Parker:"Lee could punch so fast, he could make the air pop...I doubt anyone could have beaten him!".  

Ed Parker说:"李小龙的拳速快到似乎空气都要被他打破了...我怀疑没有人能够打赢他!"  
(Ed Parker 当年认识李小龙。他本身就是一位以惊人的速度和力量闻名的传奇人物。就是这样一位当年令人闻名而生畏的格斗家都自认不如李小龙。他的搏击纪录你们可以去查。现在健在。)

John Worley who had dummied for Lee at several of Rhee's International tournaments had told the other person what he told me "I have stood against the best of the best full contact fighters and beat them. I have the trophies to prove it. Not one of them is in Bruce Lee's class"

John Worley:"我面对过很多高手中的高手,并打赢了他们。我有奖杯为证。但他们之中却没有一个达到李小龙的水平。”

"For his size and weight, Bruce was one of the strongest people - pound for pound - I have ever met. I think he could have beaten a lot of people much heavier and much stronger than he was. He would have done extremely well in competition; if anything, he would have been much too fast for a lot of the officials." --Mike Stone.

“对于他的身材体重来讲,李小龙是我见到过最强壮的人之一。我认为他可以打倒很多比他强壮很多和重很多的人。他在正规比赛里成绩会是非常好的。很多裁判会根本跟不上他的速度”Mike Stone

[ 本帖最后由 owenshen0502 于 2006-10-23 20:00 编辑 ]


"I have never met anybody with more ability in fighting and knowledge than Mr Lee himself." --Fred Wren

“我从来没有遇到过比李先生的格斗实力更强和比他知识更渊博的人。”Fred Wren

"For me to have spent eight hours, with somebody and have it seem like only 20 minutes had gone by, he would have to been a very knowledgeable person - both mentally and physically."--- Chuck Norris.

“能让我跟他在一起花八个小时,却感觉只过了20分钟,这个人的知识一定非常渊博,无论在思想上还是身体技能上”Chuck Norris (李小龙的好朋友,中文名罗礼士)

"I have never seen anyone like Bruce Lee. I have met, sparred with and beaten several of the world's best karate champions, but Bruce has been the only one who has baffled me completely. I am completely in awe when I fight with him."--Louis Delgado

“我从来没见到过像李小龙这样的人。我碰见过并打赢过很多世界上最好的空手道冠军,只有李小龙让我完全不知所措。当我跟他打得时候,我完全敬畏了。” Louis Delgado

"Bruce Lee was a martial arts genius" --Don "The Dragon" Willson.

“李小龙是个武术天才。” Don Willson

"I have met Mr Lee and have had the privelege to work out with him several times. Although I have won 42 karate tournaments, I do not consider myself a match for him. His speed surpasses most of the black belts I know." --Ernest Lieb

“我遇见了李小龙而且很荣幸能多次跟他一起训练。虽然我赢过42个空手道大赛,但我并不是他的对手。他的速度超过我认识的大多数黑带。”Ernest Lieb

"Bruce Lee had lightning speed, power and reflexes. He could move so quickly and just pick his opponents apart. In a sense, my left jab comes from him. After watching Lee, I became more precise about landing my jabs on an opponents nose or between his eyes" --Sugar Ray Leonard.

“李小龙有闪电般的速度、力量和反应。他可以动得那么快,就这样把他的对手打散。可以说我的左刺拳就是源于他。看了李小龙之后,我能更准确地用左刺拳击中对手的鼻子或者双眼之间。”Sugar Ray Leonard



甄子丹巷战能力很强。母亲是武当功夫名家。他早年受李小龙影响学习武术。主要是跆拳道。后来去北京武术队训练。成龙是京剧武行出身。就是俗称的 七小福。  洪金宝  。元彪 元华这些人。 李连杰是正统的武术套路。功底扎实。实战不知。。至于 拳霸主角。泰拳冠军。泰拳的战斗力是属一属二的。至少但靠中国散打未必能战胜。5套播放的泰拳对散打那些人不是泰国的一流高手。有猫腻的。  李小龙能否战胜他。能难说。也没什么意义。李的实战能力可能不是世界第一流。但他对世界搏击术地深远影响无人能及。这是他伟大的地方。





