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[新闻] Camelot接手火焰之气息(Breath of Fire)新作开发?

Camelot up for Breath of Fire series revivalJune 26th, 2008

A portion of a C3 interview with the Takahashi brothers…

C3: Considering your current deal with Capcom, and the fact that the company has left its Breath of Fire series untouched for far too long, would you ever give consideration to tackling the resurrection of that RPG franchise?

The Takahashi Brothers: We get asked this a lot recently. The development team is extremely important in making an RPG and when some of the team left after Mario Tennis GBA we had to say it wasn’t possible. Lately, however, the gap is being filled and I’m quite confident to take on pretty much anything. It is possible to start planning for titles such as the Breath of Fire series. As I mentioned earlier, the number of games we can develop at a time is quite limited so we would like to consider what people want the most in order to determine the next title for development.
I wonder if Capcom would actually want to go through with that idea. Is there still a market for Breath of Fire?

看得不太懂,不过这感觉还是有可能,因为Camelot现在跟CAPCOM也合作得不错,有WE LOVE GOLF!的那次合作,相信这次合作RPG项目将能够更加显示出Camelot的优势。

