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[新闻] 技术的索尼!新专利公开

Durango rumors:
- They note that Microsoft has been less communicative with the editors than Sony, which would explain why we have less information about the next Xbox (this last part is my own guess)
- Out before December 2013 in the USA, announcement this semester
- You will be able to stream content from your console to another device, like Smartglass on Xbox 360, or the Wii U Controller. They refer to this as a "companion app"
- Always on, always connected. The system will download content which you will then be able to simply activate (read: buy)
- HD Kinect integrated, allowing the user to "wake up" the Xbox with a word or a specific gesture
- Microsoft wants to ban used games, but not 100% sure yet. No decision taken yet

Orbis rumors:
- Out in 2013 in the USA
- Like Durango, Orbis will allow you to stream content to another device, and Sony could even announce an agreement with Apple at E3 for this functionality to work with iPhones
- The PS4 controller will have a touchpad and a camera (their wording is a little weird here, maybe they mean the system will have a camera, not the controller...)
- Just like the Vita, there will be some "cross-buy" high-profile multiplatform games. You buy a PS3 game, you also get the PS4 version. This would also work with 360 games! A nice way to have PS4 games before even buying one. Another example is given FIFA '14: you have the 360 version and achievements; those achievements will be transfered to your PS4 account too.
- The 02/20 event will have more videos than gameplay demos

Lastly, both systems will be in the same ballpark power wise, and according to their source the rumors that are on the internet are "80% true".

