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[业评] 微软还会出下一代主机吗?

原帖由 舒宁咸 于 2011-3-31 22:11 发表



原帖由 舒宁咸 于 2011-4-1 18:41 发表

您真是神人,说什么来什么,使用Chrome OS的VAIO就要登场

The next VAIO we unearthed is the VAIO with Chrome OS.

As Google is prepping its Chrome OS debut, Sony is hard at work to bring you their first VAIO pimped up in Google’s OS of course. Expect to see the following hardware specifications of this new PC:

Nvidia Tegra 2 (250) platform
11.6″ (1366×768) LCD display
1 GB of Memory
16 GB eMMC (electronic multimedia card)
Ultra-low power GeForce GPU
Wireless WAN
Wide Keyboard (18mm) will be pretty similar to the Google Chrome Cr-48 laptop keyboard
Dimensions: less than an inch thick at around 19.9 mm; width is at 11.7″ (298 mm) and it is 21.5 cm (8.46″) deep
It should weigh around 2.2 lb (or 1kg)
8 hour battery life
Features like Bluetooth and GPS will be enabled later on, so don’t expect those two right at launch in summer of 2011.

As far as the software department, you will love the Quick booting, Chrome OS auto-update will ensure you are always on top of new features and Sony will throw in some VAIO related software as well.


原帖由 zhuliang 于 2011-4-2 11:43 发表
posted by wap

mac book买回去装win的不要太多,这个基本可以洗洗睡了。



原帖由 zhuliang 于 2011-4-2 11:59 发表
posted by wap

未来肯定是属于网络的,蓝光这时候才开始想普及其实满悲剧的,网络直接点播1080高清在发达国家已经不是什么大不了的事了,只有死宅才在乎码率够不够音频是不是无损。至于3d在各种场合各种影视作品中已 ...





原帖由 舒宁咸 于 2011-4-2 18:41 发表



According to the Digital Entertainment Group (DEG), Blu-ray software sales rose 68% in 2010, with $1.8 billion sales revenue. BD rentals were also up 24% in brick-and-mortar outlets. Regarding hardware, 11.25 million Blu-ray playback devices including set-top players and game consoles ?sold in calendar 2010 (six million of them in the fourth quarter). Overall, home entertainment spending was $18.8 billion, down 3%.

The total number of Blu-ray playback devices in U.S. households increased to 27.5 million, up 62%.

More than 170 million Blu-ray Discs shipped to market in calendar 2010 (73 million in the fourth quarter). Nearly 350 million Blu-ray Discs have shipped since launch.

Sales of catalog titles on Blu-ray are up 52%, according to PC World citing DEG figures.

"We continued to see strong growth in Blu-ray and significant gains in digital distribution this year, despite a tough economy," said Ron Sanders, President, DEG and President, Warner Home Video. "We also saw a slight increase in consumer transactions, which is a clear indication that consumer demand for home entertainment remains healthy."

Speaking of digital distribution, it is worth mentioning that DEG estimates that spending from that sector grew just 19%. Electronic sellthrough was particularly soft, contributing just $683 million to the home entertainment market (a growth of 15.7% year on year).

Tom Adams, principal analyst and director, US Media, for Screen Digest, went as far as declaring that network delivery "failed to live up to the hype" in 2010. "Despite years of big growth and even bigger hype, the network-delivered rental and sale of videos continued to represent only a small portion of the U.S. home video entertainment market in 2010, as consumers flocked to buy and rent Blu-ray discs," observed Adams after looking at Screen Digest's figures.

Andy Parsons, U.S. promotions committee chairperson for the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) and Pioneer Electronics USA senior VP, commented separately to Twice that he expected physical and digital to coexist "for many years to come" and likened this situation to "the infamous 'paperless office' that everyone predicted we'd have 20 years ago. The lesson we learned from that was that imagining how something might happen is the easy part, but it turns out there are many complications that crop up."

Sanders added as well: "Given the infrastructure issues and the amount of data a digital delivery system can put on the screen, it's going to be a very long time before the average consumer is going to be able to get a true Blu-ray quality picture and sound on their high definition displays through any means of conveyance other than a Blu-ray Disc."

[ 本帖最后由 killmesoftly 于 2011-4-2 19:36 编辑 ]



The German Federal Association for Audiovisual Media (BVV) has released figures for the home video market for 2010. During the year, Blu-ray sold 12.0 million units, a growth of 94% over sales in 2009. Revenues from Blu-ray sales were 193 million euros (62% up). Thanks to that, home video sales grew both in units and in revenue over the figures from the previous year. Around one of every seven home video euros comes now from Blu-ray.

Overall, the home video market registered 118.4 million units sold, between DVD, Blu-ray and electronic sales (113.8 million in 2009).

The Top 3 selling titles in Germany last year were Avatar, Inception and 2012.

Digital sold 2.9 million units, for 22 million euros.

[ 本帖最后由 killmesoftly 于 2011-4-2 19:45 编辑 ]

