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[新闻] WII又添大作,零新作WII独占



According to media outlet 1UP.com, publisher Tecmo has enlisted developer Grasshopper Manufacture to create the next entry in the Fatal Frame series of horror games for Wii.

Grasshopper Manufacture is currently working on No More Heroes for Wii. The studio will begin developing the next Fatal Frame title following the closure of No More Heroes' production. Grasshopper Manufacture previously worked on Killer7 for GameCube and Contact for Nintendo DS.

No More Heroes is expected to be released in Japan this December by publisher Spike; in North America during February 2008 by publisher Ubisoft; and in Europe during Q1 2008 by publisher Rising Star.

The Fatal Frame series has seen three entries since Tecmo and Designer Keisuke Kikuchi (presently involved with Rygar: Battle of Argus on Wii) introduced the franchise in 2001. The main gameplay mechanic involves the Camera Obscura, an item that provides protection from evil spirits by taking pictures of them.

It is unknown how Fatal Frame on Wii will utilize the system's functionality or where the game will fall in the series canon.

The 1UP.com article can be found here.

