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[其他] 忍龙2 视屏文字直播,给忍龙FAN解谗


[Ninja Gaiden 2 Gameplay Description] The game starts. The player jumps into first person to survey the scene. Then runs around. A GROUP OF SIX ENEMIES APPEAR.
[您家该等2游戏印象] 进入游戏,切主视点环顾场景,跑一圈,蹦出六个杂兵

The gameplay is so fast that it's hard to watch. Hard to keep up with. Lots of blood. Bodies getting chopped in half. Ryu pins enemis on the ground, thrusts his sword in, and they explode!

After the fight, he shakes the blood of his sword. Then runs up the stairs to the top of a bridge. Lots of eneies appear. Ryu does a ninja arts move. He switches form his rapier sword to a twin blade.

10:02 - Lighting Necropolis, Lifeblodod Shrine, Northern Pergatory, Aqua Capital -- Eight stages in the demo build. He says they're far along in development. They were originally going to show the Japanese castle level, but there was an incident yesteday with screenshots getting leaked, so instead they're going to show the Aqua Castle stage.

10:02: Booming orchestral music sounds awesome, Ryu is fighting about 5 other ninjas. He chops off one guys head, and then chops his body in half before it can fall over. Blood is everywhere! He's comboing and collecting orbs. After one encounter, he runs along the stage and over a bridge over the canal. His ninja magic just chops everyone to pieces -- 15 hit combo!

Next, Ryu faces off aginst gun-wielding enemies. They have machine guns.

Chopped up bodies are everywhere. They don't seem to be leaving the scene, at least not initially.

Now, he changes to Ryu's claws. Giant winged beasts, three times his size appear. They have green blood.


Guess that seals it.

10:05: He brings up a menu in the lower left to shirt between main and secondary throwing weapons. Now, in the next area, he faces enemies with guns and cannons -- some launch rockets at him. He summons magic and lights one of them one fire, they scream as they walk around on fire until collapsing

10:07: Looks similar to Ninja Gaiden Sigma in overall graphical fidelity -- but with more going on. Now, two giant winged creatures attack. He bring out the Wolverine-like claws to take them on. Another 16 hit combo, and he swipes off the blood and gets moving again. Here comes a boss! A giant spider like mutant drops and it fades to black as the logo reappears.

2:04 -- Ninja Gaiden II is pretty much exactly what you expect. There's a ninja, he hits things. The guy playing the game doesn't seem to be having an especially hard time dispatching all these enemies that are currently staining Venice red with their spilled blood. Man, there is blood all over the concrete. This game is probably going to do quite well. In the US, I mean. It's got real-time weapon change. Ryu just pulled out a set of cat claws, and he's using them to hack up a giant dragon for massive damage. The thing's green blood spills to the ground, mingling with the red. The camera pulls in for dramatic angles when Ryu starts a combo move.

Oh, man, he just shook off the green blood from his claws, and it spattered on the ground. That's hot.

[ 本帖最后由 hanzo 于 2007-9-13 01:20 编辑 ]

