原帖由 vortex 于 2007-10-25 17:54 发表 英文原文来源:FR论坛 supersexual 翻译:24中文网字幕组Major 目前无法确认此剧透是否完全可信,但据supersexual透露较为可信,大家可当做一种可能性来阅读。 Jack正在酒店房间里边吃早餐边看新闻。电视里讲到了一个有关解散CTU的国会听证会的消息。多名CTU洛杉矶分部的前特工都要接受问讯,包括Jack,Bill和其他人。Jack从口袋中掏出Audrey的照片,看了一眼,沮丧的叹口气。然后,他收拾东西准备离开酒店前往国会山。当他走出酒店的时候,一辆SUV开了过来,车里的人向Jack开火。Jack寻找掩护躲过了袭击,然后爬到车里追击那辆SUV。经过不久的追逐,最终SUV撞上了一辆卡车|火车|公共汽车,总之是某种大型车辆。司机和枪手都死了。Jack搜查了汽车想得到一些线索,但是什么都没。但他还是记下了车牌号,并决定隐姓埋名,自己找出是谁想要杀他。因为此刻他已经不能相信任何人。 同时,总统的儿子在一家投资银行工作,他正在办公室会见一位客户。客户走了进来,他们短暂的交谈,然后客户突然杀害了总统的儿子,并把现场布置的如自杀。事实上,这段也许会发生在jack遭遇袭击之前。第一家庭在发现他们的儿子死后,总统认为这是谋杀,并命令FBI进行彻底的调查。FBI接手此案。但之后,在总统儿子死后一小时内,又出现了华盛顿地区其他几起谋杀案的报道,所有的案件都是职业杀手所为。有的死者是国会议员,有的是商人,有的是国防公司的说客。之后,FBI了解到所有的人都和BXJ公司有联系,并卷入了S5时的阴谋。FBI认为这和Jack有关,并联系了Chloe,问她在哪。Chloe很尖刻的说了一些话,比如“不知道,别烦我,我还要带孩子。”并挂了电话。在前几集或者后面我们会让大家认为总统儿子最近曾为BXJ工作过,或类似的联系。 Jack通过车牌号找到了一个叫Peter Wingfield的人,这个人将在第2集里被Jack审讯。Jack拷问了他,问是谁杀他。在本集的最后,他终于说出,是Tony Almeida,他要对所有对Michelle的死负责的人报复,包括 BXJ, Logan, 甚至Jack。(所以,基本上说是Tony雇了人来做事,除了和S5的阴谋有关,他还认为如果在s4里Jack不给他打电话的话,Michelle就不会参与到伪造Jack之死的事中,最后也不会被杀。所以,也可能与他的大脑受伤有关,Tony的做法有些扭曲。) 上午10点,华盛顿 Jack问如何能找到Tony。那人告诉他说Tony正要去刺杀Logan,他将从弗吉尼亚的郊外回来。Jack前往Logan的住处阻止Tony。而Lgoan,看了新闻中说Jack是一起参议员谋杀案的“受益人”,于是对于Jack持枪出现在门前非常警觉。Jack告他自己并不是来杀他的。但他被从背后打晕了。是Tony。Logan这时赶快逃出房间,找到他的金色的沙漠之鹰手枪,想要逃跑。看到Tony,Jack非常震惊。Tony解释了(无论多么巧,多么不合理)他如何从致命的注射中活了下来。他因Michelle之死怪罪Jack。就像Jack曾经因为Teri的死而恼羞成怒一样。正当Tony准备杀Jack的时候,枪响了。几个Tony的人被FBI的小队干掉,Jack趁Tony分神,试图制伏他。Tony用以色列自卫术把Jack打倒。看到FBI攻了进来,Tony夺路而逃。 FBI逮捕了Jack,把他关了起来并保护起Logan。Jack被带走,由Renee审问。 7:00 AM-9:00 AM, Washington DC The President's son, who works for some investment bank, is meeting a client at his office. The client enters, they make small talk, and then suddenly the client somehow kills him to make it look like a suicide. So the First Family realizes that the son's dead, but the First Husband thinks it was a homicide and orders an immediate and thorough FBI investigation or whatever. The FBI goes to investigate. Meanwhile, Jack is at his hotel room, eating breakfast, watching the news. The news is saying something about a congressional hearing regarding the dismantling of CTU. Several former agents from CTU Los Angeles are set to testify, including Jack Bauer, Bill Buchanan, among others. He takes out a picture of Audrey from his wallet and sighs despondently. Then, he gets his stuff and prepares to head out of the hotel, leaving for Capitol Hill. As he walks out of the hotel, an SUV pulls up and someone fires an automatic weapon at Jack. Jack takes cover as the SUV pulls away. Jack scrambles to his car and chases down the SUV. There's a brief chase sequence, and at the end the SUV gets totaled by a truck/train/bus, some kind of big vehicle. The driver and gunmen all die. Jack scours the SUV for hints on who the assassins might be, but comes up with nothing. Still, he jots down the SUV's license plate number and decides to go dark and find out for himself who tried to kill him, since he can't trust the authorities, or anyone else, anymore. But then, within the hour of the First Son's murder, reports are coming in of several other murders around the Washington area, all committed in a professional manner. A couple of congressmen/senators. Several businessmen/financiers. Several lobbyists for defense companies. Later on, the FBI connects the dots and realizes that they were all connected in some way to BXJ and the Season 5 conspiracy. The FBI suspects Jack may be behind it all, and contacts Chloe, asking her where she is? Chloe says something snarky like: "I don't know, now stop bothering me, I have a baby to raise!" and hangs up the phone. And at some point in the premiere or later in the season, we're led to believe that the First Son had worked with BXJ at some point recently. So Jack links the license plate number to Peter Wingfield's character, or whoever that guy he's supposed to interrogate in Episode 2 is. He interrogates/tortures the guy, asking him who tried to kill him this morning. The guy, at the end of the episode, tells him it's....Tony Almeida....who wants revenge against all the people responsible for Michelle's Death: BXJ, Logan, and even Jack. (So basically, Tony has hired a few assassins to do this dirty work for him and his possible rationale for targeting Jack in addition to the Season 5 conspirators is that if Jack had never called him in the first place in Season 4, Michelle would still be alive, since they never would have been involved in faking Jack's death with Palmer. So in a twisted way, which possibly explained by lingering effects of his brain damage?) 10:00 AM, Washington DC So Jack asks the guy where he can find Tony. The guy tells him that he's on his way to personally assassinate...Charles Logan at his retreat in suburban Virginia, at some point in the day. Jack takes off to Logan's house to stop Tony. Logan, who's been watching the stuff on the news about Jack being a "person of interest" in the murder of a senator this morning in Washington, becomes alarmed when he sees Jack in his house with a gun. Jack assures him that he's not trying to kill him. Next thing he knows, he gets knocked out from behind. And it's Tony. Logan quicky scampers out of the room and finds his special Gold Desert Eagle, looking for a way to escape. Jack looks stunned to see Tony. Tony explains whatever twistedly illogical way he survived the lethal injection in the heart. And he blames Jack for Michelle's death. Jack and Tony have one of those arguments, and Tony blames Jack for Michelle's death. Somewhere, like in every scene where Jack gets really pissed off on a very personal level, Teri's death in brought up. Finally, as Tony prepares to kill Jack, gunfire erupts. Several of Tony's cohorts are killed by an FBI assault team. As Tony's distracted, Jack tries to overpower Tony. They fight briefly, and Tony's gun is jarred loose. Tony uses his Krav Maga skills and kicks Jack to the ground briefly, but sees that he's out of time and the FBI team is closing in. Tony sees that he has to escape or else he'll be caught, so he gets the hell out of there. The FBI team comes in and arrests Jack. They bring him in and put Logan in protective custody. Jack is brought to FBI where he's interrogated by Renee. At some point later on in the season, he'll team up with Bill and Chloe to track down Tony.