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[新闻] 任天堂第三季度财报说明会的重点信息汇总:还有多款未公布的 Switch 游戏正在开发中

posted by wap, platform: iPhone

Nintendo says it is developing many new Switch games in addition to ones that have been announced
Posted on January 30, 2020 by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa…

A variety of software has been released for Nintendo Switch, including titles highly anticipated by consumers, completely new titles, and unique titles achievable only through the integrated development of hardware and software. Nintendo Switch has become the platform that brings together the numerous franchises that have supported our previous home console and handheld systems. There are over 48 million Nintendo Switch consoles in the market at the present time, so we will be able to continue to focus on software development for Nintendo Switch going forward. We are developing many new titles for Nintendo Switch in addition to the ones that have been announced. New titles will be released continuously going forward, and not just Nintendo titles, but also titles in a variety of genres including indie titles from other software publishers.

本帖最后由 高露洁 于 2020-2-1 17:02 通过手机版编辑


