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IGN 独家报道, 失落奥德塞高清新图



Summary: 最新视频将在5月16日公布.

-Game is in Balancing/Tuning stages of development.
-Theme of Lost Odyssey is "Humanity", and the music is being written to reflect inner emotions.
-Wall formation in battles for party and enemies, with characters directly in front or behind one another for protection.
-Magical Attacks much more powerful than physical, so casters must be protected.
-Analog Trigger System to breech enemy walls.
-Fixed Camera view.
-Item Synthesis system using Magical Items and Basic weapons.
-Skills between Immortal and Mortal characters will differentiate.
-Team is working "Full Power" on Lost Odyssey.

We'll also be seeing more footage of Lost Odyssey on May 16th, which will premier at Play! A Video Game Symphony.

[ 本帖最后由 FAMI通无视 于 2007-5-5 18:22 编辑 ]

