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[新闻] [转贴][X360] 微軟公布光環3在米國首日的銷售額:1.7億美元(不定真假……)

原帖由 超越神的牛肉人 于 2007-9-27 15:06 发表

微軟官方宣布光環3首日美國銷售額為1.7億美元,打破了光環2當年1.25億美元的紀錄!光環3已經不僅是電視游戲業最成功的首發,也是娛樂業最成功的首發,打敗了電 ...
Microsoft: 'Halo 3' nets biggest day in entertainment history

Posted by Daniel Terdiman
Halo 3, the much-anticipated Xbox 360 game that launched Tuesday, set the all-time record for most revenue earned in a single day by any entertainment property, Microsoft said Wednesday.

The company said that Halo 3, the third and final episode in the hugely popular franchise, netted $170 million in sales in the U.S. in its first day. If true, that would top previous records set by the motion pictures Spider Man 3 and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

There's little doubt Microsoft has been pinning a great deal of hope on Halo 3 and was expecting it to be the must-have game for the Xbox 360, much as the original Halo was for the original Xbox when it came out in 2001. The theory is that many consumers will buy Xbox 360s to play the new game, though only time will tell if that is true. Microsoft did not release any new figures on immediate Xbox sales.

Judging by initial reviews, the game is being very well received critically, in addition to racking up the big bucks.

According to Microsoft, more than a million players have logged on to Xbox Live to play the multiplayer version of the new game, since it came out and all told, it has garnered more than 1.7 million preorders.

The game sells for $59.99.


