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[业评] 原来343i的图形总监也是个印度人,不意外了

After completing my masters, I remained in the US and I went to work for Sony Computer Entertainment. At the time, my role was leading the graphics team for Bend Studio, one of Sony’s game developers working on first party IPs.I departed Sony to embark on my next adventure after over five years of service.

I have always been a huge fan of the Halo franchise, ever since Halo: Combat Evolved, and in early 2018 Chris offered what felt to me was an experience of a lifetime. He invited me to visit the 343 Industries office and give me a personal tour of the Halo museum. I was bitten by something new, the 343 bug! I wanted to work for the developers that made my favorite game franchise. I found a Dev Manager position for graphics, aggressively pursued it, and finally got the role.

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