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[其他] 【逆袭第一弹】中国究有臭虫否?

The truth is rarely pure and never simple
—— 王尔德





1. 抄袭事实是否属实

2. 事件爆发前幕后经过始末

3. 谁占领了道德制高点——谁该道歉



1. 几个事实

■ Clive Thompson 在《连线》杂志网站发表全文的时间是: 08.21.07 | 2:00 AM

■ 我全文翻译并在TGFC贴出中文版的时间(以最后一次修改为准)是2007-9-24 01:00
(证据链接  http://www.tgfcer.com/club/viewthread.php?tid=5908855

■ 《电子游戏软件》发表《光环诞生记》是在07年23期,即12月上号,即最早时间2007-10-17
(证据链接  http://bbs.egchina.com/viewthrea ... &extra=page%3D1

■ 主观陈述:我在8月底第一时间就看到了此文,并着手翻译了一段。因为一直没有整块的时间一口气翻完长文,所以拖延到9月底才完成。期间媒体和网络有充分时间做“第一时间”发表,遗憾的是UCG和电软都没有抢到这个先机。而在我发表之后,此文在网络上被广泛转载(关键词:“光环3 诞生”,google结果144,000条,baidu结果819,000条。)。只要搜索有关halo、光环制作开发的内容,在结果中几乎不会少掉此文的身影。电软的编辑和作者难道真的不知情?


2. 译文大比对

■ 最简单直观的,我把原文、叉包版译文、电软版译文贴在在下面,请各位比对。电软译文对原文做了很多篇幅上的删减。对我的译文也进行了“再消化”。尽管表面上替换成了更为简单直白的词汇,但在断句、修辞和动词选择上,尤其是个别译名上,依然难以掩盖抄袭的事实——这一点,欢迎各位蛋疼人士指正辩驳。红色部分为叉包所加批注。CSI怎么说来着,尸体不会撒谎。


■ 在网上搜索中正好找到一篇不完整的翻译,只有个开头。“译言”的这个版本可以视作“第三客观版本”。通过对照这一版本,相信大家不难发现电软版和我的版本在断句上是多么“惊人地相似”。

■ 原文
■ 叉包版
■ 电软版
■ 译言不完整版
■ 抄袭痕迹最明显之处

Halo 3: How Microsoft Labs Invented a New Science of Play

Sitting in an office chair and frowning slightly, Randy Pagulayan peers through a one-way mirror. The scene on the other side looks like the game room in a typical suburban house: There's a large flat-panel TV hooked up to an Xbox 360, and a 34-year-old woman is sprawled in a comfy chair, blasting away at huge Sasquatchian aliens. It's June, and the woman is among the luckier geeks on the planet. She's playing Halo 3, the latest sequel to one of the most innovative and beloved videogames of all time, months before its September 25 release.

Randy Pagulayan 坐在办公椅里,眉头微皱,向单透视镜另一面张望。镜子另一边,看起来是一座郊区别墅里游戏室的典型场面:一台Xbox 360接着一台大屏幕平板电视,一位34岁的女士陷在舒适的座椅里,哄杀着一大群异形怪物。这是六月的一天,这位女士是地球上最走运的极少数宅男宅女之一。她在玩的是数个月后的9月25日才会正式发售的《光环3》(Halo 3)——有史以来最受欢迎、最具革命性的电子游戏。


坐在办公椅上并稍微地皱着眉头,Randy Pagulayan通过单向反射玻璃正往外看.另一边的景象有点像典型的郊区游戏室:墙上挂着一个巨大的平板电视并连接着一台Xbox 360,一个34岁的女人懒散的坐在一张舒适的椅子上,正在炸飞大群的Sasquatchian外星人.现在是6月,那个女人是这个星球上最幸运的 geek之一.她正在玩Halo3,这个史上最有创意并且最受喜爱的电视游戏的续集.此时离9月25日游戏的发布还有几个月.

The designers at Bungie Studios, creators of the Halo series, have been tweaking this installment for the past three years. Now it's crunch time, and they need to know: Does Halo 3 rock?

过去三年来Bungie Studios的设计师,Halo系列的缔造者们都在悉心打磨此作。如今箭在弦上,他们要确定的是:Halo 3够牛吗?


Bungie Studios设计Halo系列的人们在过去的三年中一直在调整这款游戏.最重要的时候了到了,他们希望且必须知道:Halo3够酷么?

"Is the game fun?" whispers Pagulayan, a compact Filipino man with a long goatee and architect-chic glasses, as we watch the player in the adjacent room. "Do people enjoy it, do they get a sense of speed and purpose?" To answer these questions, Pagulayan runs a testing lab for Bungie that looks more like a psychological research institute than a game studio. The room we're monitoring is wired with video cameras that Pagulayan can swivel around to record the player's expressions or see which buttons they're pressing on the controller. Every moment of onscreen action is being digitally recorded.

“游戏好玩吗……” Pagulayan嘟哝着。他是个典型的菲律宾人,留着长长的山羊胡,带着知性风格的眼镜。我们一起打量着隔壁房间的玩家。“玩家享受吗,他们知道自己的进度和目的吗?”为了回答这些问题,Pagulayan为Bungie组建了一间测试实验室——看起来更像是心理学研究所而非游戏工作室。我们监视的房间满屋子都是视频摄像头,Pagulayan能任意旋转来记录玩家的表情,或看清他们按了手柄上的哪个键。屏幕上的所有动态都被一秒不差地以数字方式记录下来。


" 这游戏好玩么?"当我们在看隔壁房间里的玩家的时候Pagulayan小声的问.他是一个菲律宾人,长胡子,戴着别致的眼镜."人们喜欢它么,他们能感受到速度和目的么?"为了得到答案,Pagulayan为Bungie建立了一个测试实验室,不过它看起来更像是心理学研究机构而不是游戏工作室.我们正在监控的这房间摄像机连接着,因此Pagulayan能随便旋转来记录玩家的表情或者看到他们在按手柄上的哪个按键.电脑屏幕上所有的动作也都被记录下来.

Midway through the first level, his test subject stumbles into an area cluttered with boxes, where aliens — chattering little Grunts and howling, towering Brutes — quickly surround her. She's butchered in about 15 seconds. She keeps plowing back into the same battle but gets killed over and over again.





"Here's the problem," Pagulayan mutters, motioning to a computer monitor that shows us the game from the player's perspective. He points to a bunch of grenades lying on the ground. She ought to be picking those up and using them, he says, but the grenades aren't visible enough. "There's a million of them, but she just missed them, dammit. She charged right in." He shakes his head. "That's not acceptable."




Pagulayan makes a note of the problem. It is his job to find flaws in Halo 3 that its creators, who know what players should do, might not be able to see. He assesses whether the aliens have gotten too lethal, whether the revamped Needler guns are powerful enough, and — most important — if and when players are getting bored or (as is more often the case) frustrated. Clicking away on his keyboard, Pagulayan brings up video of one of the first fights in the game, in which a Brute wields a ferocious gun. Neophyte players are getting massacred.

Pagulayan记下了这个问题。他的工作就是给只想着玩家“应该怎么做”的Halo 3缔造者们挑刺,指出他们未曾料到的瑕疵。他评估敌人是否太过致命,新版针刺枪(Needler guns)是否足够强大,还有最重要的,玩家是否且何时感到无聊或激动(当然后者的情况占绝大多数)。Pagulayan在键盘上敲敲打打,调出了一段游戏中的早期战斗,玩家要对付的是一头手持威猛火力武器的鬼面兽。新上手的玩家大多都惨遭灭顶。


Pagulayan 记录下了这个问题.他的工作就是查找Halo3中因为没能看到玩家的试玩而没被设计者发现的不足.他评估外星人是否太多了,修复后的射钉枪是否足够强大, 还有最重要的,玩家们是否会觉得乏味甚至(很可能发生的)神经错乱.Pagulayan敲了一下他的键盘,打开游戏里最初战役的视频.在视频里一个 Brute拿着一把超猛的枪.而新玩家正在被屠杀.


"That enemy can kill the player in three shots," he says. "Imagine your mother playing, where she's barely learning how to move around in the game — bam, bam, bam — dead. That's not going to be a fun experience."




All game companies test their products, but generally they just pay people to report any bugs they find — monsters that disappear or places where graphics don't render properly. But because it is owned by Microsoft, which launches dozens of Xbox and PC games every year, Bungie has access to one of the most advanced game-testing facilities ever built. Pagulayan and his team have now analyzed more than 3,000 hours of Halo 3 played by some 600 everyday gamers, tracking everything from favored weapons to how and where — down to the square foot — players most frequently get killed.

所有的游戏公司都会测试其产品,一般就是雇人报告一下他们发现的bug——失踪的怪物或渲染出错的图像之类。但贵为每年都要发行数十款Xbox和PC游戏的微软门下的金字招牌,Bungie得以享受有史以来最先进的游戏测试环境之一。Pagulayan和他的团队目前已经分析了超过3000小时的Halo 3游戏数据。这些数据来自600多个全日制玩家。他们跟踪从玩家最喜欢用的武器,到玩家最常在何时何地被干掉等等各种数据。

所有的游戏厂商都会测试他们的作品,但通常他们只是雇人找出游戏中的BUG:怪物忽然消失,图像渲染出错,诸如此类.但是作为微软旗下的工作室,BUNGIE可以享用世界上最为先进的游戏测试环境.帕格莱安和他的小组目前已经分析了来自600多个玩家,累计3000小时以上的光环3游戏数据,跟踪记录了各种数据---从玩家最喜欢用的武器,到玩家何进何地最容易GAME OVER等等,一应俱全.

所有的游戏公司都会测试它们的产品,但它们通常只会付钱让人们报告他们找到的bug--比如消失的怪物或者图形渲染错误.但由于Bungie属于微软,一个每年都发布几打的Xbox和PC游戏的公司,Bungie把目光移向这个史上最先进的游戏测试机构.Pagulayan和他的团队已经分析Halo3超过 3000小时,有超过600个玩家参与,并几乎调整了游戏中的所有东西,从喜好武器到如何和在哪里玩家最容易被杀死.

Bungie doesn't just test its own games this way. It also buys copies of rival titles and studies those, too, to see how Halo matches up. "I've never seen anything like it," says Ian Bogost, a professor of digital media at Georgia Tech, who toured the testing lab in the fall. "The system they've got is insane."

Bungie不仅仅用这套方法测试他们自家的作品。他们还购买了竞争对手的同类作品,和那些以Halo为假想敌的作品。“我从没见过这样的事情,” Georgia Tech公司的数字媒体教授 Ian Bogost说道,他在今天秋天参观了这个实验室,“他们拥有的这套系统真是太疯狂了。”

BUNGIE不仅使用这样的方法测试自己的游戏,他们还购买了竞争对手的游戏并且加以研究。“真是前所未见,”来自GEORGIA TECH数字媒体专家伊安伯格斯特在今年秋天参观了这所实验室后感叹道‘“他们这套系统真是太疯狂了。”

Bungie不会这样测试它自己的游戏.它也会购买对手的游戏来研究Halo能否比肩."我从未见过这样的东西,"Ian Bogost说.身为Georgia Tech数字媒体方面的专家,他在秋天遍历了各测试实验室."疯了,这个系统太不可思议了."

It might seem like an awfully clinical approach to creating an epic space-war adventure. But Bungie's designers aren't just making a game: They're trying to divine the golden mean of fun. They need to create an experience that is challenging enough to thrill the 15 million existing hardcore fans of Halo — yet appealing enough to lure in millions of new players.

或许谁都会想到,Halo 3会创造一场史诗般壮阔的星际战争冒险。但Bungie的设计师们不仅仅是在制作一款游戏:他们想求得快乐的秘方。他们既要创造出足以震撼1500万Halo铁杆粉丝们的体验,又要诱惑全球数以百万计的新玩家。



我漏译的 seem like an awfully clinical approach,居然电软版也漏译了,而且也加了一个原文中没有的前缀词,巧合?真的是太巧了。

If anyone can pull off this delicate balance, it's Bungie. Released in 2001, the original Halo seamlessly blended riveting gameplay with a cinematic narrative — the fight between humans and a murderous alien race was told through plenty of twitchy, white- knuckled combat. When Halo 2 debuted three years later, it again broke new ground by letting gamers square off against their friends on the fledgling Xbox Live online service. Fans went berserk. They debated the intricate plotlines, bought T-shirts and figurines, read Halo novels that Bungie produced, and crawled into work bleary-eyed after all-night death matches. Halo became a cultural touchstone, a Star Wars for the thumbstick generation.

如果有谁能把持这种微妙的平衡,那只有Bungie。2001年发售的初代Halo,天衣无缝地把紧张刺激的战斗与电影化的叙事融合到了一起——人类和形形色色异星怪物之间的争斗通过紧凑、白热化的战斗交代出来。三年后发售的Halo 2,再次开辟出了新天地:允许玩家整备自己的朋友,在Xbox Live网络服务上捉对厮杀。粉丝们被煮沸了。他们争论着错综复杂的剧情线索,他们购买主题T恤衫和模型,他们阅读Bungie出品的官方Halo小说,他们在彻夜的死亡竞赛后睡眼惺忪地爬回工作岗位。Halo成了一种文化符号,成了电玩一代人的《星球大战》。

大概只有BUNGIE可以找到这种微妙的平衡。2001年发售的初代光环将紧张刺激的游戏进程和电影化的叙事无缝地衔接到了一起,用紧凑的,白热化的战斗表现出了人类和外星怪物之间的争斗。三年后推出的光环2,再次用XBOX LIVE联机对战方式掀起了新一轮的热潮。玩家们为之疯狂,他们激烈地讨论着错综复杂的剧情,购买T恤衫,模型等周边产品,阅读着BUNGIE官方的光环小说,甚至由于彻夜联机对战而睡眼惺松地爬回到工作岗位上---光环如同星球大战一般,成为了一种文化符号。

Now the company has to do it again, only better. This will be the first Halo for the Xbox 360, and it comes at a critical point in the console wars, with Microsoft fighting both Sony's graphically superior PlayStation 3 and Nintendo's unexpected hit, the wrist-twisting Wii. Microsoft needs Halo 3 to be a system seller — a game so good that people buy an Xbox 360 just to play it (the original Xbox's only profitable quarter came during the launch of Halo 2). "I don't see any other game that's going to have as big a blast radius for the Xbox as Halo 3," says Dean Takahashi, author of The Xbox 360 Uncloaked. "They need to sell a lot of consoles for Microsoft."

现在Bungie必须再现辉煌,而且必须更加耀眼。这是登陆Xbox 360平台的首款Halo系列作,也成为了主机大战中至关重要的一枚棋子。微软双线作战,同时对抗索尼(Sony)图像领先的PlayStation 3和任天堂(Nintendo)出人意料的“腕上主机”Wii。微软需要Halo 3成为系统卖点(system seller)——一款强势到足以让人去购买一台Xbox 360,只为玩到它的神作。(初代Xbox的唯一的盈利季度就是Halo 2发售的季度)“我想Xbox上绝没有任何一款其他作品能和Halo 3的巨大爆炸效应相比,”《Xbox 360揭秘》(Xbox 360 Uncloaked)一书的作者Dean Takahashi评价道,“Halo 3会为微软卖掉一大批主机。”


So Bungie's designers sift through Pagulayan's reports, peer through the one-way mirror, and scrutinize every second of the game. Videogame development involves artistry, obviously. But at Bungie Studios, it's become something of a science as well.

因此,Bungie的设计师们详查Pagulayan的报告,透过单透视镜窥视玩家,紧盯着游戏的每分每秒。电子游戏开发本来就包含着艺术技巧。而在Bungie Studios,游戏开发更是成了一项科学研究



Bungie's office in Kirkland, Washington, houses more than 100 workers in a massive open room covered by a domed roof. It's early June, and the place has an air of quiet, frantic energy. In a far corner, a group of artists work on crafting the swoopy attack movements of the aliens. Along a wall, environment programmers stare intently at screens, fine-tuning scenery in the latest levels. Marty O'Donnell, the company's audio engineer, is holed up in a soundproof studio room, tweaking Halo 3's 34,000-plus lines of combat dialog, to ensure that aliens and marines curse and yell appropriately during battles (Wired's editor in chief, Chris Anderson, voiced a few blood-curdling screams for the game). Near the kitchen area, a programmer naps in a small pile of beanbag chairs.

Bungie位于华盛顿Kirkland的办公室是一间同时容纳100多个工作人员的巨大敞开式穹顶建筑。时间是六月初,这里弥漫着一种安静而充满激情的氛围。远处的角落,一群艺术家正在改进异星怪物的猛冲攻击动作。沿着墙,一排环境程序员紧盯着一块块屏幕,微调着最新关卡中的场景细节。Bungie的音效工程师 Marty O'Donnell 占据了一间隔音室,把玩着Halo 3中超过34000多条的战斗对话,确保异星人和人类士兵的叫骂呼喊在战斗中能得到恰如其分的表现。(《连线》杂志的主编Chris Anderson先生也为本作贡献了几声鲜血四溅的怒吼)。在餐饮区,一个程序员正陷在一坨豆袋椅里打盹。


Now one of the largest game design studios in the industry, Bungie began as a two-person operation. In 1991, college pals Alex Seropian and Jason Jones gathered in Jones' Chicago basement to create games for the Macintosh. Their first hit, in 1994, was a first- person shooter called Marathon. Most shoot-'em-ups of that time, like Doom and Wolfenstein 3D, had little or no plot; finishing a mission was as simple as fighting your way to the end. But Seropian and Jones imbued their games with intricate story lines and vibrant characters. Marathon and its sequels also pioneered technical advances astonishing for the era. Two gamers could team up and play the game in cooperative mode, while up to eight players could spar against one another in virtual arenas, taunting opponents over AppleTalk.

以两人白手起家的Bungie,如今已经成了业界最大的游戏设计工作室之一。1991年大学生Alex Seropian和Jason Jones一起在Jones位于芝加哥的地下室为苹果的Macintosh平台制作游戏。他们第一款大卖的游戏是1994年的第一人称射击作品《马拉松》(Marathon)。当时大部分的射击游戏,比如《毁灭战士》(Doom)和《德军总部》(Wolfenstein 3D)都几乎没有情节,所谓完成任务其实就是简单地一路杀到底。但Seropian和Jones却在游戏中融入了复杂的剧情线索和生动的人物。《马拉松》及其续作在那个时代也是先进技术的代表。通过AppleTalk(译注:一种早期苹果机的联网协议),两个玩家可以组队以合作模式完成游戏,最多八名玩家可以在虚拟竞技场中捉对厮杀。


With the Marathon franchise and another game called Myth, Bungie built a loyal cult following. In the late-'90s, the designers started planning a new strategy-based title in which players would control an entire army of space marines fighting a rival band of hyperactive, gibbering aliens. The action would involve moving entire military battalions around the battlefield at once, and players would engage in a sort of futuristic version of Risk. But as work on the project began, the team found itself drawn back to the first-person, kill-frenzy action of Marathon. Eventually they decided their new game would focus not on the whole army but on a single soldier — Master Chief — as he fought the Covenant, a race of aliens driven by a mysterious religious prophesy. Halo was born.

凭着《马拉松》系列和另一款作品《神话》(Myth),Bungie拥有了一群忠诚度极高的铁杆玩家群。在90年代晚期,Bungie的设计师们开始计划一款战略游戏新作,游戏允许玩家控制一整支星际陆战队士兵,与一群唧唧歪歪的狡猾外星人作战。具体方式是一次性在战场上移动、部署一大批作战单位,而玩家的战斗则类似于科幻版本的《冒险》(Risk,一种桌上战棋游戏)。但这个项目的工作刚开始,设计团队就发现他们不得不回到《马拉松》那种第一人称、杀戮为主的动作游戏形态。最后,他们决定新游戏的主体不再是一整支部队,而是一个战士——士官长(Master Chief)——让他去对抗星盟(Covenant,小说译为“圣约人”),一支被神秘宗教预言所驱使的外星种族。Halo由此诞生。


Early on, the Bungie crew came up with a mantra that would eventually guide all aspects of Halo gameplay: "30 seconds of fun." The idea was to have Halo repeatedly immerse players in hectic battles that would last for half a minute — just long enough to create heart-thumping chaos and the risk of death — before offering a respite. Meanwhile, each level would also include scripted cinematic scenes to push the story forward. It was a subtle but deeply pleasing balancing act: Halo neither bored people with overly long storytelling animations nor numbed them with pointless fighting.

从最早开始,Bungie的伙计们就定下了一条口号,这最终也成了指导Halo游戏体验(gameplay)方方面面的准则:“快感30秒。”("30 seconds of fun.")这一理念的含义是,Halo将反复把玩家暴露在长度半分钟左右的紧张战斗中,然后再给予暂歇。30秒足以制造出一场令人心跳加速的混乱场面和死亡威胁。与此同时,每关都会包含有一段脚本动画(scripted cinematic scenes)来推动剧情。这是一种极具乐趣的平衡性策略:在Halo中,玩家既不会被过于冗长的叙事性动画弄得兴味索然,又不会被漫无目的的战斗弄得手指发麻。


When Bungie demo'd the game at Macworld Expo in 1999, fans were awestruck. So were Microsoft game executives. They were looking for a system seller for their forthcoming Xbox and for the Xbox Live online service they hoped to launch shortly thereafter. Microsoft bought Bungie in 2000 for a reported $50 million; a year later, Halo, recoded for Microsoft's console, became the must-have game of the year. It instantly transformed the Xbox from a dubious proposition to a credible alternative to the then-dominant PlayStation 2. Bill Gates and CEO Steve Ballmer began pushing hard for a sequel.

1999年,Bungie首次公开在Macworld Expo(译注:苹果公司的软硬件展会。Halo最早的平台是Mac)展会上演示了Halo,引起粉丝们的轰动。同时惊动的还有微软公司负责游戏业务的高层。他们正在为即将推出的Xbox和Xbox Live联网服务物色合适的热卖大作。微软于2000年,以约5000万美元并购Bungie;一年之后,重新以微软主机独占作品面目出现的Halo成了年度最佳的必入游戏。Halo立刻把Xbox从一台定位尴尬的主机转变成了制霸的PlayStation 2之外可信赖的替代选择。Bill Gates和微软CEO Steve Ballmer立刻开始亲自督促续作的开发

光环最初是作为MAC平台的游戏而开发的。1999年,BUNGIE在苹果公司的MACWORLD EXPO展示会上演示了光环的试玩版,马上引发了轰动。而微软公司游戏部门的主管也敏锐地察觉到了这款游戏的潜力。当时微软正在物色可以推动即将发售的XBOX主机销量的大作,双方一拍即合。2000年,微软以5000万美元的价格并购BUNGIE,一年之后,光环作为XBOX独占游戏发售,成为了该年度最值得购买的游戏。光环极大地扭转了XBOX主机的尴尬局面,成为了PS2主机之外的另一个选择。比尔盖茨和微软的CEO史蒂夫鲍尔默也着力督促续作的开发工作。

The pressure to deliver nearly destroyed Bungie. When it began making the original Halo, the design team consisted of 10 people. They could all sit in a single room and communicate by yelling over their shoulders or peering at each other's cool creations onscreen. To make Halo 2, the company ballooned to more than 60. Separate teams formed to design each level of the game, but they didn't coordinate their efforts: When project leaders assembled the pieces for the first time, they discovered that the story was incomprehensible and the game whipsawed from too easy to nearly impossible.

推出续作的巨大压力几乎搞垮了Bungie。要知道当初设计初代Halo的时候,整个团队只有10个人。他们可以坐在同一间房间里,勾肩搭背地喊话,看看对方屏幕上的绝妙创意来沟通和工作。到了制作Halo 2的时候,公司已经膨胀到了60多人。不同的小组被建立起来,设计游戏的各个关卡,但这种合作开展起来阻力重重:项目带头人们第一次把各个环节拼凑起来时,他们发现整个故事无法理解,游戏难度要么难于登天,要么过于轻松。


"It was a disaster in the game-story campaign," admits Harold Ryan, the studio manager. "We looked around the room going, 'I don't want to play this. I don't want to make this.'" They threw out 80 percent of the work they'd done and started over. But they now had barely a year and a half to reconstruct the entire game.

“游戏的剧情战役部分经历了一场灾难,” 工作室经理 Harold Ryan 承认到,“我们眼睁睁地看着满房间的人抱怨‘我不要玩这个’,‘我不要做那个’。”他们推翻了80%的工作,从头开始。但现在他们差不多有几乎一年半的时间来重建整个游戏。


Luckily, Bungie had a secret weapon. Because games were becoming a new focus for Microsoft, the company had built a dedicated usability lab for stress-testing its titles. Bungie tapped Pagulayan, a recent PhD graduate in experimental psychology from the University of Cincinnati, to refine Halo 2 in the facility. Pagulayan's team quickly went to work building tools for extracting gameplay data, including the location of each player and when and where they fired weapons, rode vehicles, killed aliens, and died. They ran weekly tests, analyzing 2,300 hours of play by 400 gamers in under two months. Over and over again, they found snags — a mutant alien that was far too powerful, a lava pit that too many players fell into.

好在Bungie自有秘密武器。因为游戏已经逐渐成为微软新的重心,公司建立了专用实验室来为这些作品做压力测试(stress-testing)。 Bungie找来了Pagulayan,这位新近毕业的辛辛那提大学(University of Cincinnati)实验心理学博士,来优化Halo 2。Pagulayan的团队很快就投入了工作,为导出游戏数据建立工具。这些数据包含了每个玩家死亡的位置、他们在何时何地开火,坐上载具、杀掉敌人、或死去。他们每周做一次测试,分析两个月中400位玩家留下的2300小时的游戏数据。如此循环往复,他们就会发现症结所在——某个太过强大的异星突变怪物,某个太多玩家不小心会掉下去的熔岩陷阱。



But the time constraints were daunting, and the lab wasn't able to catch everything. In the end, Halo 2 was a less complex, less satisfying game than the first Halo. In the original, players had three equally powerful ways to attack: gun, grenade, or punch attack — the "golden tripod," as Jamie Griesemer, Bungie's head of gameplay design, dubbed it. Like a game of rock-paper-scissors, part of the fun was frantically deciding which method would work best. But in Halo 2, the designers decided to let players wield two guns, an option so overpowering that players rarely used any other form of attack. Perhaps worst of all, Bungie's team didn't have time to finish their story. Halo 2 ended with Master Chief announcing that he's returning to Earth and "finishing this fight" against the alien force. Then... nothing. The credits roll. It was as if the coders had simply turned off their computers and walked away. In public, Bungie employees put on a brave face, but privately they were chagrined. "Just as the game was going out the door, everybody was kind of like, Holy shit — this is not what we like here," recalls Brian Jarrard, Bungie's head of community relations.

但令人丧气的时间限制依然存在,实验室来不及找出所有问题。最终,Halo 2 相较初代,成了一款欠复杂和欠满意的作品。在原作中,玩家拥有三种均势(equally powerful)的攻击手段:枪、手雷、肘击——所谓的“金三角”,用Bungie的首席游戏设计师 Jamie Griesemer的话说。这像是“石头、剪刀、布”的游戏,乐趣的很大一部分就在于玩家在紧急中决定何种策略最有效。但在Halo 2中,设计师允许让玩家持有双枪,这种优势选择(overpowering option)使得玩家几乎不再使用其他攻击方式。而最糟糕的可能就是,Bungie的开发团队没有时间来完成剧情。Halo 2在士官长声称他要回到地球,并与外星人“结束战斗”之后嘎然而止。然后……一片空白。直接开始滚字幕。尽管在公开场合,Bungie的雇员们个个都容光焕发,一脸得意;但私下里,他们怎一个“囧”字了得。“就在游戏要送出门的那一刻,每个人都意识到,真他妈的——这不是我们想要的东西。”Bungie的社群关系负责人 Brian Jarrard回忆道。



One aspect of Halo 2 did blow everyone away: multiplayer matches over the Internet. No console game had yet mastered online play. And Bungie worked closely with the engineers at Microsoft's Xbox Live service to make signing on point-and-click simple. In minutes, Halo 2 players could join a quick game of "death match" — kill others before they kill you — or assemble teams for rollicking bouts of capture the flag. Better yet, players were automatically paired with others at the same skill level, ensuring that they wouldn't be instantly slaughtered by crazily adept 12-year-olds in Texas.

一根救命稻草就让Halo 2把所有的对手都打下了拳台:通过互联网多人对战。当时还没有一款主机游戏充分挖掘出了联网游戏的魅力。Bungie与微软Xbox Live服务的网络工程师一起让联网变得前所未有地简单。几分钟内,Halo 2玩家就可以快速加入“死亡竞赛”(death match)——在对手杀掉你之前杀掉所有对手——或者召集战友,组队夺旗。更上层楼,玩家还能自动和自己级别相近的玩家配对,保证不会让他们被某个整天以爆头为乐的12岁网瘾少年秒杀,而颜面全无

尽管如此,光环2还是靠着一个优势战胜了所有的竞争对手:通过互联网的多人联机对战。当时还没有哪款家用机游戏可以充分利用网络的功能,而BUNGIE与微软XBOX LIVE服务的网络工程师则让联网游戏变得前所未有的简便而易于操作。只要短短几分钟,光环2的玩家就可以加入各种各样的对战模式,而且还能自动与和自己级别相近的玩家配对,而不会动辄被那些成天沉湎在游戏之中的小子打得落花流水


Fans swarmed online. Halo 2 became a system seller again: Of the 6 million people who have signed up for Xbox Live, fully two-thirds of them joined to play Halo. Redmond was ecstatic. Online gaming had long been considered a vital next step for console makers and, thanks to Bungie, Microsoft got there first.

粉丝涌向了网络。Halo 2再次成了主机卖点:六百万签约Xbox Live金会员服务的会员中,有整整三分之二的人群玩过Halo。Redmond(译注:微软西雅图总部所在地)喜极而泣。在线游戏长期以来一直被认为是主机游戏制造商的关键下一步,感谢Bungie,微软捷足先登。

玩家们纷纷涌向网络,光环2再次大卖:在600万XBOX LIVE服务的会员之中,有整整三分之二的人玩过光环2。很久以来,人们就早已认清,网络化是游戏发展重要的一步,而光环和微软第一次真正实现了它。


As I peer over his shoulder at the computer screen, Tom Doyle prepares to show off his new gun. Holding an Xbox controller, he walks Master Chief over to a menacing, garbage-can-sized weapon and cradles it in both arms. Doyle spins the in-game camera around, so that we're staring right down the barrel, and fires. A stream of white-blue plasma pours out. This is the Plasma Turret — a powerful alien weapon debuting in Halo 3 that can blast through your shield in about two seconds. Doyle designed it.

我越过Tom Doyle的肩膀偷偷看了眼显示器屏幕,他正准备炫耀他的新枪。Doyle手拿一支Xbox手柄,操控士官长走近一把令人望而生畏的垃圾桶大的武器,用双手抱起了它。他挪了一下游戏内摄像机的位置,使得我们正好能看到枪管。他开火了,一股亮蓝色的等离子束喷涌而出。这就是等离子炮(Plasma Turret),Halo 3中新增的强大外星武器,能炸掉你的护盾差不多两秒。Doyle正是这把武器的设计者。

"A lot of the energy weapons in Halo 2 felt frail, like pyoo-pyoo-pyoo Buck Rogers lasers" he says. It made people not want to pick them up and use them. "This feels more deadly. You can almost feel the heat of the weapon, the ignited plasma beams." He chuckles. "You know this thing is gonna kill."

“Halo 2里的很多能量武器看起来都太弱,简直像通俗漫画里噗噗作响的玩具枪。”他说道。这让玩家提不起捡起它们拿来作战的兴趣。“这把看起来就牛多了。你甚至可以感到武器散发的热量,滚烫滚烫的等离子射线哦。”他得意地笑道,“你一眼就知道这玩意儿有杀伤力。”


Bungie is determined not to repeat the mistakes of Halo 2. This time it wants to make the single-player game perfect. To this end, it has committed to a two-step process: First dream up the new weapons, levels, and situations. Then monitor hundreds of people as they play the hell out of them in Pagulayan's lab.

Bungie决心不再重复Halo 2中所犯的错误。这次他们要让单人游戏部分臻于完美。要做到这一点,必须采取两个步骤:第一步是做梦,创造新武器、新关卡、新局面。第二步就是监视数百号玩家在Pagulayan的实验室里把这些东西玩到烂



There are a few things to fix right away. One of Bungie's central goals is to restore the "golden tripod" of play. Working with Doyle and the other weapons artists, gameplay chief Griesemer tweaked the guns — for example, reducing the amount of ammo many carried — so that wielding two at a time won't always be the most effective way to dispatch an enemy. He then boosted the power of grenades and the "melee" punching attacks. Battles, he hopes, will once again become the sort of lightning-fast chess matches they were in the original Halo, requiring constant, on-the-fly decisions about which method of attack to use.



这一段的整体抄袭痕迹更加明显。restore the "golden tripod" of play,而非gameplay,为什么我们的译文都用了“游戏体验”这种提法?巧合?那“电光火石”呢?整段几乎就是照抄。

To make combat even more unpredictable — and to give longtime Halo players new treats — Griesemer and the team devised new objects for the game, doubling the number of weapons. Inspired by a real-life, high-powered beam called a Galilean laser, Doyle invented the Spartan Laser. It produces a bolt that can destroy an enemy in one shot — but because it takes a few seconds to charge, it gives astute opponents the chance to notice they're being targeted. Other designers came up with the Bubble Shield, a temporary force field, and the Gravity Lift, which players can use to propel themselves into the air. Among the new vehicles is the Mongoose, a small four-wheeled motorcycle, and the Brute Chopper, a sort of high tech Big Wheel with a ferocious cannon mounted in front. Each new addition, Griesemer points out, brings new facets to the gameplay. But each also inevitably causes unexpected problems: A particular gun becomes too powerful, a vehicle ends up making battles lopsided — and suddenly the game is less fun.

为了让战斗更加不可预知——也给Halo老牌玩家带来新刺激——Griesemer和团队给游戏设计了新的物件,使游戏中可用武器的数量翻倍。受真实生活中一种名为伽利略射线(Galilean laser)的高能射线启发,Doyle发明了斯巴达死光(Spartan Laser)。这种武器发出的射线能一击致命——但代价是需要数秒时间蓄力,这就给了发现自己成为靶心的敌人以充分的时间进行冲刺。其他设计师贡献了泡泡盾(Bubble Shield),一种临时力场;还有反重力发射器(Gravity Lift),玩家能把自己发射到空中;新的载具有猫鼬摩托(Mongoose),一种小型的四轮摩托车;还有鬼面兽屠车(Brute Chopper),一种前置可怕大炮的高科技大脚车。Grisemer指出,每件新增物件都给游戏的可玩性带来了新变化。每个都不可避免的引发未知的新问题:某把枪变得太强,某种载具最后让战斗显得一边倒——这样游戏瞬间就会失去乐趣


实际上整段基本都是照抄不误。尤其是译名的通篇高度统一。斯巴达死光是我的译法,网上一般都叫斯巴达激光。gravity lift,这个更有意思。网上和游戏里都翻译成“便携式重力梯”,只有我特地翻成“反重力发射器”,莫非又是巧合?Brute Chopper游戏里叫“风火轮”,电软却和我一样,翻译成“鬼面兽战车”,哦,差一个字,抄的时候用心了!
实际上电软出刊是在10月中旬,即Halo 3上市之后,编辑部为什么不采用游戏中的台湾官方译名,偏偏与我产生如此多的巧合?匪夷所思!


This is where Pagulayan and two assistant Bungie researchers step in. Every other week, beginning in the fall of 2006 — when the first builds of Halo 3 were available for testing — Pagulayan and his team have recruited about 20 people to come into the lab and play the game. Some tests include a pop-up box that interrupts the player every few minutes, asking them to rate how engaged, interested, or frustrated they are. Pagulayan also has gamers talk out loud about what they're experiencing, providing a stream-of-consciousness record of their thought process as they play. Over time, he's gathered voluminous stats on player locations, weapons, and vehicles.

这就是Pagulayan和另外两位微软助理研究员介入的时候。从2006年秋季Halo 3最早可供测试的版本开始,每隔一周Pagulayan和他的团队就招募大约20人到实验室游戏。有些测试中,每个几分钟就会有对话框跳出来打断玩家,要他们对是否感到压力、有趣或狂热打分。Pagulayan还会让玩家大声说出对正在经历的游戏的感觉,收集记录他们游戏时持续的潜意识流。每隔一段时间,他还会收集玩家所处地点、所用武器、载具的各种状态。


有趣的事情就是,读者仔细看一下就会发现,电软的文字主要是在“避开”我的行文方式,甚至会抛弃原文,特地改用“另一种说法”。step in这一句完全改动了原文的意思。

After each session Pagulayan analyzes the data for patterns that he can report to Bungie. For example, he produces snapshots of where players are located in the game at various points in time — five minutes in, one hour in, eight hours in — to show how they are advancing. If they're going too fast, the game might be too easy; too slow, and it might be too hard. He can also generate a map showing where people are dying, to identify any topographical features that might be making a battle onerous. And he can produce charts that detail how players died, which might indicate that a particular alien or gun is proving unexpectedly lethal or wankishly impotent.


每次测试之后,帕格莱安会分析数据样本,并且对BUNGIE作出报告。例如,他会制作一份按照不同时间段所统计的玩家所处位置图片报告,有五分钟内的,一小时的,八小时的,等等,用这些数据表示玩家的游戏进度。如果玩家推进太快,那说明游戏可能太简单;反之,则说明游戏太难了。他还会制作玩家的角色在何处死去的地图,鉴定出各种有可能导致战斗过于困难的地形。他用图表的形式说明玩家GAME OVER的细节,指出某个敌人或者某种武器杀伤力过大,或者过于弱小,等等。


The lab also records video footage of every testing session and hyperlinks these clips to the individual progress reports. If the design team wonders why players are having trouble in a particular area, they can just pull up a few test games to see what's going wrong. Take what happened last March: A report noted an unusual number of "suicides" among players piloting the alien Wraith tank in an upper level. After watching dozens of archived test games, Griesemer spotted the problem. The players were firing the tank's gun when its turret was pointed toward the ground, attempting to wipe out nearby attackers. But the explosion ended up also killing (and frustrating) the player. To prevent this, Griesemer reprogrammed the tank so that the turret couldn't be lowered beyond a certain point. The Wraith suicides stopped.

实验室还会记录每次测试进程的视频片段,并把这些片段超链接在独立的进度报告里。如果设计团队奇怪为什么玩家会在特定区域感觉困难,他们就可以直接调用这些录像,看看问题到底出在哪里。举个今年3月例子:一份报告显示玩家在操纵一辆星盟的幽魂坦克(Wraith tank)从一片高地下坡时,有反常的“自杀”几率。在看过了成打的档案录像之后,Griesemer发现了问题所在。玩家在坦克下坡,炮口对着地面时会继续开炮,哄杀下面的杂兵。但坦克炮火威力过大,导致玩家自己也会被炮火误伤。为了避免类似情况,Griesemer对坦克做了重新编程,使得炮口不会低于某个点。“幽魂坦克自杀事件”至此结案。


懒得说了,整段照抄,改动越来越少。另外,wraith tank网上都叫鬼魂坦克。不信你去搜搜。嗯。幽魂是我的独家说法。你又鹦鹉学舌了么?

A similar report showed that in the game's first level, called Jungle, players often ran out of rounds for their rifles. This was a mystery, because the designers had been careful to leave more than enough ammunition lying around. The team checked Pagulayan's video records and found that people were firing at the aliens when they were too far away, misjudging the range of the weapon and wasting bullets.



At first the designers couldn't figure out how to fix this problem. But then Griesemer stumbled on an elegant hack: He made the targeting reticule turn red when enemies were in range, subtly communicating to players when their shots were likely to hit home. It worked.



嗯,hit home

The ideal in gameplay, the goal every developer aims for, is an experience that keeps players in a "flow" state — constantly surfing the edges of their abilities without bogging down. Modern videogames are often compared to Hollywood movies, but the comparison, many Bungie designers will tell you, is inaccurate. A movie is static. "You sit there and absorb it all in a single two-hour shot, and it's perfectly linear," says Frank O'Connor, one of the writers tasked with scripting the story line in Halo 3.

每个游戏开发者都孜孜以求是一种理想的游戏体验,即让玩家保持一种“流动”状态——不断滑向他们能力的浪尖,又不至于淹死。现代的电子游戏经常被拿来和好莱坞电影相提并论,但这种比喻,很多Bungie的设计师都会告诉你,并不准确。电影是静态的。“你呆坐在那里连续一两个钟头把片子看完,而且是纯线性的。”Frank O'Connor评价道。他是受命撰写Halo 3剧情的多位作家之一。



Creating a game, in contrast, is like a combination of architecture — constructing environments that influence the behavior of people inside them — and designing a new sport. Gamemakers have to devise a system of rules and equipment that gives players a few basic goals and then allows them to find their own ways of achieving those goals. The flow comes from constantly discovering innovative ways to solve these open-ended problems.




Of course, this means that players will sometimes surprise game designers by doing things even they never thought of. This spring, executive producer Jonty Barnes watched a tester run around in a multiplayer level of Halo 3 that's constructed like a deep canyon. A bunch of Gravity Lifts were scattered around the bottom, and the player was bouncing from one to another. Then the tester got a clever idea: He grabbed one lift and, holding it, jumped into another one, launching himself up onto a high ledge. He then placed the second lift on the ledge and used it to bounce up even higher, landing on the top rim of the canyon. That area wasn't even supposed to be accessible to players.

当然,这也就意味着,有时候玩家会做出连游戏设计者都感到惊讶、没想到的举动。今年春天,执行制作人 Jonty Barnes 看过一段Halo 3多人关卡的试玩录像。那是一个类似深邃峡谷的关卡。一系列反重力发射器散布在谷底,玩家可以从一个跳跃到另一个。然后有个测试者想到了一个聪明的主意:他捡起一个发射器,抱住,跳到另一个发射器上,把自己弹到高处的岩壁上。然后他用第二个发射器把自己弹到更高的地方,站到了峡谷的顶端。那块区域本来玩家是无法到达的。



"So he's up running on the canyon ledge, and the engineers are going, ‘Christ, how the hell did that happen? Do you know what kind of bugs this is going to cause?'" Barnes laughs, a hint of pride in his voice. "But that's what you get when you set people free in your world."



Halo 3 is a vibrant, beautiful game, but it's also a bit cartoony. It doesn't have the eye-popping verisimilitude of, say, Gears of War, a rival Xbox 360 hit from Epic Games that dazzled fans last winter. Many critics have made this same comparison, and it's a sore point among some Bungie designers. They like to note that Gears of War — like most of today's shooters — takes place mostly in narrow corridors with only a few enemies at a time, so its makers can lavish attention on every square foot of space. Halo 3 is set in sprawling outdoor levels, with dozens of alien enemies swarming onscreen at once. The vastness of the game's geography means that gamers can replay each battle several times, trying several radically different ways to fight through it. It also means that Bungie's designers have to spread the Xbox 360's processing power around more thinly.

Halo 3是一款绚丽多彩的美丽游戏,但依然显得有点卡通。此作没有那种夺人眼球的逼真感(verisimilitude),比如Epic Games的《战争机器》(Gears of War),一款在去年冬天让众多玩家着迷的Xbox 360重量级作品。许多评论都那这款作品来(和Halo 3)比较,在一些Bungie设计师中也不乏颇具醋意的观点。他们认为《战争机器》和大多数当今的射击游戏一样,大部分战斗都发生在狭窄的通道里,一次只有少量敌人,游戏制作者可以在空间中的每一处都吸引住玩家的注意力。而Halo 3关卡则设定在开阔的室外,一次会有数十个外星敌人同屏出现。游戏在地理环境上的壮阔性意味着玩家可以反复重玩同一场战斗数次,尝试多种截然不同的通关方式。这也意味着Bungie的设计师们必须更好地榨取Xbox 360的运算能力。



Pagulayan makes notes on my experience — more data to feed into the Bungie machine. They'll crack these problems, he is sure. They'll solve the mystery of why some Brutes are going AWOL in a later Jungle battle. They'll train their AI marines so they don't keep mindlessly hollering the same curses over and over while fighting. And they'll figure out how to get players to monitor their ammo — before they run out and get gunned down.

Last week 52 percent of players gave the Jungle level a 5 out of 5 rating for "fun," and another 40 percent rated it a 4.

Pagulayan wants to do better.



Pagulayan 认为还能做得更好。


每一天他的实验室都会给BUNGIE送去更多的数据,而BUNGIE那些天才的游戏设计师们,肯定能够从这些数据中发现游戏的缺陷,并且消灭这些缺陷。他们会搞清楚为什么有些鬼面兽会在丛林的战斗中不知所踪:他们会提高AI水平,让NPC士兵不会反复的地重复同一句台词:他们会找到恰当的方法,提醒玩家注意自己的弹药残余量,避免子弹打光而GAME OVER。他们会做得更好.





p.s. 这贴会置顶么?

p.s.2 请期待逆袭第二贴和第三贴,最近忙,更新可能会比较慢,不好意思。

[ 本帖最后由 RestlessDream 于 2007-11-5 16:13 编辑 ]


原帖由 常遇春 于 2007-11-5 16:38 发表






原帖由 NamcoFAN2008 于 2007-11-6 01:08 发表

