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FALLOUT 3《辐射3》一些确认的新细节


    *  The game takes place 30 years after the events Fallout 2. The events of the much-maligned Fallout: Brotherhood and Fallout: Tactics never happened in the universe of Fallout 3.
    *  游戏发生在Fallout 2剧情三十年之后。Fo BoS 和 FoT两部外传中的事件在Fallout 3的世界中从未发生过。

    * The game will feature a day/night cycle and changing weather.
    *  游戏将有日夜交替和天气变化系统。

    * There will be 21 collectible bobbleheads hidden throughout the game for Easter egg lovers.
    *  游戏将有21个隐藏的bobbleheads彩蛋供收集癖蛋疼。

    * The game will feature 20 licensed songs from the '40s that will be played through radio stations accessible via your on-arm PIP-Boy and radios peppered throughout the game world.
    * 游戏中将使用超过20首经授权的1940年代经典爵士老歌。这些曲目可以通过玩家手臂的毕扑小子3000和游戏世界中散落的收音机收听。

    * There will be no drivable vehicles in the game, but you can travel between locations through subway tunnels.
    *  游戏中不会有可驾驶的交通工具,但你可以通过地铁管道在不同地点间穿行。

    * There are children in the game, but the team isn't sure yet if they will be killable as they were in the previous Fallout games.
    *  游戏中有儿童,但开发团队目前还不确定这些孩子是否如Fallout前作那样可以杀害。(叉包注:老头滚动条里是没有小孩的。)

    * The game will have no multiplayer mode and no demo is currently planned.
    *  游戏没有多人模式,目前也没有制作demo的计划。

    * Downloadable content and player-created mods are being considered, but nothing has been finalized.
    *  下载内容和玩家自制Mod都有所考虑,但是目前还不确定是否会最终支持。

    * The game will feature nine to 12 endings based on how you've played it.
    * 游戏将有9-12个结局,根据玩家游戏过程决定。

    * The game's version of Washington D.C. will include iconic landmarks and the general topography of the real city, but will not be a street-by-street recreation. The downtown area represents about one quarter of the in-game map.
    * 游戏中华盛顿特区的景观将包括现今真实的地标性建筑物(比如白宫、纪念塔等),但不会是完全一比一的再现。代表性的主要城区占到游戏内地图的大约四分之一。

    * There will be fewer non-player characters in Fallout 3 than in Oblivion, owing to the game's post-apocalyptic setting. Almost all the NPCs will be killable.
    *  Fallout 3中的非玩家角色(NPC)会比Oblivion中少得多,因为要符合游戏的后启示录设定。几乎所有的NPC都是可杀的。

    * You'll be able to hire mercenaries to aid you as in the first Fallout game. You won't have much direct control over them.
    * 如同第一作,你可以雇雇佣兵来协助你。但无法直接控制他们。

    * Among other statistics, the demo's loading screens contained a mysterious metric of "corpses eaten." "We're not talking about that stuff," Executive Producer Todd Howard said when asked about the stat.
    *  除了其他的游戏数据,在我们看到的展示内容中,游戏载入画面出现了一个神秘的统计项:“吃掉的尸体”。在我们追问这个是什么的时候挨千刀的执行制作人Todd Howard称无可奉告。

  • hanzo 发贴积分 +20 排版不错 2007-7-3 07:34


原帖由 Heidern 于 2007-7-3 10:27 发表
3rd person or first person view, that is what I concern most!


原帖由 整个马甲 于 2007-7-3 10:59 发表


