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Get ready for a new tournament season!


For one, it's no longer called Unreal Tournament 2007. Instead, the much-anticipated first-person shooter is now called Unreal Tournament III. Why the change? As Epic vice president Mark Rein explained, it's the third generation of Unreal Tournament that uses the third generation of the Unreal engine technology. The "III" is also appropriate considering that the game is also now going to be released on three platforms. That's right. Unreal Tournament III is no longer a PlayStation 3 and PC exclusive. The game is now being made for the Xbox 360 as well, which isn't too surprising, considering that Epic has garnered a gigantic following thanks to last year's Xbox 360 megahit Gears of War.

There's going to be much more of a single-player element to Unreal Tournament III than in the previous iterations of the series, which were always primarily multiplayer focused. As Rein and producer Jeff Morris explained, the single-player story won't be anywhere on the level of Gears of War, but it will offer up some backstory to what goes on in the game.

Unreal Tournament 2007 改名为 Unreal Tournament III


1. UT3用的是UE3引擎
2. UT3将在3个平台上发售:不再只是PC和PS3,还有Xbox 360版


[ 本帖最后由 RestlessDream 于 2007-1-28 21:16 编辑 ]

