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微软07财年第二季度财报公布:Xbox 360拉动销售疯涨76%,娱乐部门依然亏损

Xbox Division Sees 76% Revenue, Loses $290 Million
微软07财年第二季度财报公布:Xbox 360拉动销售疯涨76%,娱乐部门依然亏损

微软2007财年第二季度财报日前公布。由于面向普通消费者版本的Windows Vista 和Office 2007延期发售,因此微软的总体利润受到影响,未能达到预期目标。但公司也高兴地向投资者宣布Xbox 360软硬件在去年年末的强劲销售极大地带动了销售额。

Xbox 360和微软便携播放器Zune所属的娱乐与设备事业部本财季的销售额为29.6亿美元,增长了76%。目前该事业部已经占到微软全公司销售额的25%,同比去年仅占15%有了惊人的增长。


Earlier today, Microsoft released its fiscal 2007 second quarter ended financials. The delay of the consumer versions of Windows Vista and Office 2007 affected considerably Microsoft's fiscal second-quarter profits. But the company also reported record revevues driven primarily by sales of Xbox 360 hardware and software.

The entertainment and devices division, which includes the Xbox 360 and the Zune, saw a revenue of 2.96 billion, a 76 percent jump. This division now represented 25% of the company's total sales, a huge jump from the 15% it represented a year before.

Unfortunately, the division keeps losing money. Operating loss increased up to $289 million from $286 million a year ago.

