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Xbox Live 秋季升级背后的故事:严打 GamerScore 积分欺骗〔非机中译追加〕

Fall update curbs GamerScore cheating
Xbox Live 秋季升级背后的故事: 严打 GamerScore 积分欺骗

Posted Nov 3rd 2006 6:00AM by Ken Weeks

GamerScore whore awfullygood, from the appropriately named blog, "Confessions of a GamerScore Whore," describes how the Fall update has made life more difficult for achievement cheaters:

With the Fall Update, Microsoft has introduced a hybrid locking mechanism that effectively harms the first method [ for swapping game saves] and squelches the second method. Method 1 has been smacked silly because the vast majority of existing game save files created on the previous update do not work on the Fall update software version. This renders those files useless until unscrupulous members decide to re-upload hundreds of saves based from the new dashboard version. This will most likely take months upon months or possibly never happen for very unpopular games.

Method 2 has been rendered useless as new console specific security is in place. Gamerscore thirsty gamers are taunted with a Corrupt Save message when the bypass method attempts to be used. Obviously, the new security may eventually be cracked by code junkies, but those game saves may also have to be re-uploaded. I'm unsure of any repercussions to method 3. I've always found trading accounts to be supremely idiotic as anyone could keep your account for themselves. Anyway, if anyone has heard if method 3 has been affected, let me know.

Former champ ST TheKing quit the GamerScore race after the upper reaches of the leaderboard became became clogged with fakes, including awfullygood himself (who admits he was cheating just to keep up with the Joneses). Sure Xbox 360 achievements are intangible and useless, but they are fun to earn and these a-hole cheats make a mockery of every pallid kid who spent a three day weekend in the basement going that final Lumines Live time attack get. For God's sake, if putting endless hours into a crap game like Bomberman gives you a limited sense of accomplishment, stealing a game save must give you even less. Of course, these changes won't stop cheating, just slow it down for a bit. But it does serve as a reminder that you're not entitled to an elite score, unless you're playing that other console.



手段一: 针对从网上下载游戏存档骗分的行为,秋季升级后的新系统将无法读取过去Dashboard版本下生成的存档。那些提供游戏存档的网站不得不在最新的秋季升级Dashboard下生成新的存档再重新上传更新

手段二: 追加存档安全识别机制。非本机本Gamertag生成的存档,在其他主机上使用时,将会遭到错误信息警告而无法使用。


著名的高分Gamertag  ST TheKing 已经退出了GamerScore竞争,他也承认自己为了和Gamertag为 Joneses 的玩家一较高低而采用了欺骗手段。尽管这些360成就积分并没有实际的用途,但赚取积分的乐趣和人类的贪婪、虚荣心都会让不少玩家着魔般地去赚取GamerScore,乃至不择手段。

[ 本帖最后由 RestlessDream 于 2006-11-4 16:43 编辑 ]




原帖由 hanzo 于 2006-11-3 20:16 发表

leaderboard 排名也是炫耀……:D

