原帖由 mushroom 于 2019-9-2 16:48 发表 https://youtu.be/dADD1I1ihSQ 结论是DLSS不如手动降分辨率开锐化
原帖由 heven2004 于 2019-9-2 17:41 发表 posted by wap, platform: Android 这个评测忽略了一点,DLSS下也可以开锐化。
原帖由 昵称无效 于 2019-9-2 22:35 发表 posted by wap, platform: iPad 老黄网站有control优化指南,不高兴自己摸索的,没耐心看的,喜欢降分辨率的,继续用DLSS好了
Below, we compare DLSS to many other MSAA and Resolution Scaling configurations at all three resolutions. In general, we found that in static images NVIDIA DLSS delivers a noticeably clearer picture that retains more detail. For examples, take a look at these 2560x1440, 1920x1080 and 1706x960 comparisons. And in-game, we see fewer upscale artifacts when the player or camera is moving, increasing clarity, fidelity, and detail, for a better gaming experience. In conclusion, we've demonstrated that NVIDIA DLSS delivers higher visual fidelity than traditional resolution upscaling, and greatly improves performance, too. If, however, you're chasing the highest possible framerates and don't mind lower levels of image quality, Resolution Scaling can further accelerate framerates:
原帖由 ydy135 于 2019-9-3 05:30 发表 posted by wap, platform: 小米NOTE 那个优化指南在哪里看
原帖由 超越梦想 于 2019-9-4 08:59 发表 Posted by HUAWEI ELE-AL00 看你的截图似乎dlss比倍数缩放画面好