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WII 分区依旧 (信息更新)

Appears the original news was wrong and the wii is in fact region locked. Here's the article...
"Wii region locked, Wii region free!, no, Wii region locked
Wii news is pouring in from all around the world, and of course there are some disputes. Yesterday Perrin Kaplan talked to Wired News, in which she said that (basically) the Wii would be region free. After that, various other reports came in claiming the same thing. Now UK Boss David Yarton has gone on the record stating that the Wii IS region locked, and that anything that stated otherwise was wrong.
I know this is a big deal for a lot of people. Just last night I was browsing the NeoGAF messageboards, which were ripe with people discussing how they planned to import the system due to it being region free. Looks like they (and many others) will have to rethink their options now." - Source: GoNintendo

传闻wii不分区的已被官方证实为YY, 这无疑是给正在讨论如何进口日版或者美版Wii的PAL区的人民沉重打击.

消息来源 GONITENDO GoNintendo
来自EUROGAMER的消息 Wii is region-locked after all

[ 本帖最后由 kcome 于 2006-9-16 03:03 编辑 ]

