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[其他] EA 等在PS3上盈利超过XBOX360纯属扯谈,真相来了。。。!

EA对XO和PS3盈利统计方法不同,XO是延后6个月的,Battlefield和Army of Two等热卖的游戏并没有统计在里面!

PS3 Now Dominant Based On Third Party Publisher Earnings Reports? Not So Fast, Says Analyst

http://blog.newsweek.com/blogs/l ... -third-parties.aspx

In recent earnings reports like EA's and Ubisoft's, a breakdown of revenue by platform shows that PS3 is outstripping 360 and Wii. How do you explain the discrepancy between the installed base advantage that Xbox 360 and Wii have over PS3 and the revenue superiority that the PS3 is demonstrating for EA and Ubisoft?

Two things are at work. First, the way deferred revenue works: EA recognizes revenue on Xbox 360 over six months following the sale, but does NOT do so for PS3. So sales of Xbox 360 games during the last two quarters (Battlefield: Bad Company and Army of Two) are rolling through till December, while sales of PS3 games are booked when sold. Second, some of EA's sales are skewed in Europe, where UEFA Euro 2008 and Battlefield probably sold a little better on PS3, and with Rock Band launching in Europe this year (also skewed PS3). Ubisoft was because of Haze, which was a PS3 exclusive

[ 本帖最后由 fagy 于 2008-8-5 10:34 编辑 ]


原帖由 首斩破沙罗 于 2008-8-5 10:52 发表
麻痹的这来源可靠吗?  赶明我也到外国网站上注册个勃客。乱写点东西,再转到TG来!
Michael Pachter 的来源能不可靠?

