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三张来源不明的泄漏图片 Namco新作三连发?

据说是PS3游戏而且玩法以QTE为基础 以下老外说到:
"A trio of new PS3 games have been announced from the Cellius project (Namco and Sony joining forces).
The three games previewed:

1) Brave Arms: What appears to be a third person action game in the vein of Ninja Gaiden. Where one man takes on an oppressive regime in revolt.

2) Chain Limit: A James Bond/Jack Bauer style spy adventure type deal.

3) Second Season 01: A first person drama/sci-fi action title.

- The 3 games represent very different narrative genres (action, survival, investigative)

- All 3 are QTE-fests, with all the gameplay involving selecting the available targets on screen and pressing buttons to do different actions to change how the scenes play out

- They're all cinematic games involving "bravery, heroes, danger" and so on


