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Miyamoto Gives GDC Keynote
Nintendo's legendary designer and general manager will talk about his creative vision. Will new software be unveiled?
by Matt Casamassina

January 22, 2007 - The Games Developers Conference revealed this morning that its major keynote speaker for 2007 will be Nintendo's famous general manager, Shigeru Miyamoto. The creator of Mario and Zelda will hold a keynote entitled "A Creative Vision. The official description of the talk, quoted verbatim, below:

In his keynote address at the 2007 Game Developers Conference, Shigeru Miyamoto will reveal how a singular creative vision drives his work, not only in terms of his world-renown software, but also in generating key technologies, including the current global phenomena, Nintendo DS and Wii. And he will challenge the audience to apply his approach in their own distinctive styles.

Miyamoto last gave a GDC keynote in 1999, at which time he received a standing ovation by everyone present.

"The Game Developers Conference is a place for developers to learn from one another, and I think it is safe to say that every member of the community has at one time or another fantasized about having Shigeru Miyamoto as a mentor and teacher," said Jamil Moledina, Executive Director of the GDC. "By guiding us through his creative vision with a keynote at this year's GDC, Miyamoto is allowing all attendees this incomparable privilege."

Nintendo has sometimes used the event to introduce new software to the public. It is therefore possible that Miyamoto may complement his speech with new Wii or DS software.

IGN Wii wll be on hand at the event, which takes place Thursday, March 8 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.


GDC今天早上透露,2007年的主要基调演讲者将会是宫本猫大神.题目为"A Creative Vision"(创意的眼光)
"在2007GDC基调演讲中,工本猫大神将会揭示单个创意的眼光是怎么样促进他的工作的,不只是以他世界出名的软件为例子,同样也以在关键性技术的产生为例,包括了现在在全球引起风潮的NDS和WII. 并且他会挑战用自己的理念运用在不同人的兴趣上."


