原帖由 @Nemo_theCaptain 于 2020-3-19 13:43 发表 通稿里我见到的说法就是白名单,只是这个白名单以后会不断增加,除非我看错了 不能100%兼容这个谁都知道,就像PS2都不能兼容某些PS游戏,但那只是极少的部分 Lastly, we’re excited to confirm that the backwards compatibility features are working well. We recently took a look at the top 100 PS4 titles as ranked by play time, and we’re expecting almost all of them to be playable at launch on PS5. With more than 4000 games published on PS4, we will continue the testing process and expand backwards compatibility coverage over time.
原帖由 @u571 于 2020-3-19 14:52 发表 XBOX到目前为止都没发布廉价版,我觉得是不是我们的思路进入一个误区呢,说不定XBOX Series X就这一个型号卖399刀或者449刀呢?而且PS5成本并不一定会比XBOX Series X低多少,当年PS4和X1性能差距比现在大的多,但是两者成本基本没什么差别 所以我个人认为最终XBOX Series X和PS5售价应该就是399刀,赔点小钱算什么,一年赔几亿美元对现在的微软和SONY来说都九牛一毛
原帖由 @级替四 于 2020-3-19 14:53 发表 那个奇怪的容量很可能就是廉价的产物。