NotesIt is not uncommon for automobile manufacturers to hold stakes in other automobile manufacturers - Porsche holds a large stake in the VW Group.These ownerships can be explored under the detail for the individualcompanies. However there are 5 relationships between the "top 15"manufacturers listed in the table above:The Renault-Nissanalliance involves two global companies linked by cross-shareholding,with Renault holding 44.3% of Nissan shares, and Nissan holding 15% ofRenault shares.Ford holds a 33.9% stake in Mazda.[31]Hyundai Motor Co. holds a 38.67% stake in Kia Motors.[32]Daimler AG holds a 19.9% stake in Chrysler Holding LLC.[33]General Motors still holds a 3% stake in Suzuki. Suzuki is also partner with GM in GMDAT and CAMI[34]Toyota Motors holds 51% stake Daihatsuhence having a controlling interest in the company. However, OICA listsDaihatsu as an independent entity in its World Motor Vehicle Productionstatistics. The Toyota production figures in this table include bothToyota and Daihatsu.