原帖由 Lucifer6E 于 2010-7-17 11:28 发表 以下严重剧透: 昨天在时光网上发过: 另外还有一处让我感到很震撼的是在第三层梦境中他们想到了救活fisher的办法~真是天才的创意~ 看到这篇影评~介绍的很全面~ http://i.mtime.com/31378 ...
原帖由 西风的树 于 2010-7-18 10:08 发表 本来还想积极的讨论一下, 结果lss贴出的那个文章说的太详细了。
If the dream they enter at the end of the film belongs to Fisher Jr., then why does Cobb enter the limbo he built with his wife? Shouldn’t it be Fisher Jr.’s limbo? A: The snow fort dream is not Fisher's. That dream belongs to Eams. Each level is dreamt by a different member of Cobb's team, and then Fisher's subconcious is brought in to fill it. The first level is dreamed by Yusuf, who then stays behind to drive the van and initiate a kick to bring them back. The second level is dreamt by Arthur, who then stays behind to put them in the elevator and initiate another kick. The third level is dreamed by Eams, who again stays behind to plant explosives on the building, which drops them and initiates another Kick. The final level is Limbo. Limbo is a shared environment not limited to a single subconscious. Limbo contains nothing, excep the remnants of whatever might have been built by someone who has been there before. Cobb has been there before, so limbo contains the buildings he and his wife built over the 50 years they spent there.
原帖由 Lucifer6E 于 2010-7-19 07:05 发表 重新编辑一下... 又想了想我觉得他们在救富二代的时候应该已经进入了limbo了~也就是一共只有3层梦境和1个Limbo吧~ 而前三层的设计者我觉得还应该是小女孩,其他人只是留下来负责看守和实现kick的~不然她这个角色 ...