1. No leaving the normal boundaries of a Map. 2. No going into the tunnel walls on Pipepline. 3. No going on top of the arch on District. 4. No going onto Invisible Ledges. 5. No jumping off of another Character. 6. No using the Grenade Launcher. 7. No using the Frag x 3 Perk. 8. No using C4. 9. No using Claymores. 10. No removing players on the opposing Team from the Private Match once a Game has started. 11. Breaking any of rules #1-10 will result in a Forfeit of the Game.
原帖由 酱油帮我打妈妈 于 2008-8-1 09:16 发表 平衡性算个毛,玩得爽就好, COD4秒杀一切FPS,禁止只是那些人弱,枪榴的装弹时间,手雷的捏的时间,有毛强的,小地图冲锋就是王道,COD4起码猥琐方没有什么大的优势,不过小地图可以开乱杀模式绝对是不应该的,这个才 ...
原帖由 BD 于 2008-8-1 11:21 发表 完全不同的两个游戏?没差那么多。最多是在高手眼里,GL等爆炸物不再是看起来不平衡的东西而已。正如前面说的GL需要算弹道,手雷需要握,C4需要扔出去才能引爆。对于能够快速瞄准开枪的高手来说,远不如枪快。 ...