原帖由 ionkiller 于 2021-5-12 10:12 发表 这个看症状大概率像电位器磨损导致的,尝试清理一下电位器外壳内测部分,并且替换一下电位器里那个圆形的小组件试试看,电位器TB有卖,几毛钱一个,记得撬开的时候手法轻一些,针脚断了就只能上电烙铁了
原帖由 @唯心主义者 于 2021-5-12 17:05 发表 怼下手柄背面的小圆孔? How to calibrate ps4 controller? 1.Turn off the PlayStation 4. 2.Locate the small reset button on the back of the SCUF 4PS near the L2 shoulder button. 3.Use a small, unfolded paperclip or something similar to push the button (the button is inside a tiny hole). Hold the button down for a couple of seconds and release.