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[新闻] 目前报名今年E3的参展商

Well, July is approaching fast, and E3 with it. We received the list of E3 exhibitors, and thought we’d share them with you. As usual, you can expect us to have a team from Gaming Today on site to bring you coverage right from the Convention Center.

This year’s list includes (among others) Atari, Eidos, EA, Konami, LucasArts, Square Enix, and of course the big three of the console world: Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. Contrary to popular rumor, Bethesda will make an appearance with Fallout 3, as confirmed by their blog post. Apparently they were left off the initial listing for an unknown reason.

You can see a full list of the companies currently expected to attend after the break.

The following companies are slated to be on hand at this year’s E3:


Atari, Inc.
Bethesda Softworks
CAPCOM Entertainment, Inc.
Crave Entertainment
Disney Interactive Studios
Eidos, Inc.
Electronic Arts
Konami Digital Entertainment America
Microsoft Corporation
Midway Games, Inc.
MTV Games
NAMCO BANDAI Games America, Inc.
Nintendo of America, Inc.
SEGA of America
Sony Computer Entertainment of America, Inc.
Sony Online Entertainment, Inc.
Square Enix, Inc.
Take-Two Interactive
THQ, Inc.
Ubisoft Entertainment, Inc.
Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment

