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公道自在人心!IGN 忍龙西格马评分低于忍龙黑。

IGN Ratings for Ninja Gaiden Black (Xbox)
RatingDescriptionout of 10click here for ratings guide9.5Presentation
All of the added content makes this one of the most complete games available. You simply can't argue when a re-release adds so much.10Graphics
Oh so pretty. This is one of the few games that can make you momentarily forget about the next generation of consoles.8.0Sound
The same as Ninja Gaiden. We're not complaining.9.5Gameplay
The camera is still frustrating, but everything else is done so masterfully that it can be overlooked.10Lasting Appeal
There's so much to do, this game will last you straight through the Xbox 360 launch.9.4
(out of 10 / not an average)


IGN Ratings for Ninja Gaiden Sigma (PS3)
RatingDescriptionout of 10click here for ratings guide8.5Presentation
The story doesn't make much sense and the cutscenes weren't re-rendered for HD, but everything else is slick as oil.8.0Graphics
Extremely clean visuals that look fantastic but aren't as awe-inspiring as other ground-up PS3 games.9.0Sound
Spectacular music and movie-quality sound effects.9.5Gameplay
The new segments with Rachel are only okay, but the core Ryu stuff is nearly as good as it gets.8.0Lasting Appeal
A lengthy single-player game will keep you hooked for a while, and the Mission mode will pick up where that leaves off.9.3
(out of 10 / not an average)

