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[新闻] 生化危机5登陆Wii传言

E3 最高/最悪の ゲーム (Gamedaily 選定)
http://www.gamedaily.com/article ... st-and-worst-of-e3/

Best: Resident Evil 5 (Capcom / PS3, Xbox 360)
We're as wary of sequels as the next gamer, but trust us on this one: Resident Evil 5 will kick ass. It looks gorgeous, despite its overuse of bloom lighting, and features zombies, which is a winning formula. Because this generation's hard-hitting consoles power it, you can bet those zombies will be blown apart into the most realistically rendered chunks of infected flesh you've ever seen.

For those who get squeamish when left in a room of undead, you'll have company in the form of lovely newcomer Sheva Alomar, who can handle her own in addition to saving your sorry butt if you're overwhelmed. Sheva can be your co-op buddy via Xbox Live/PlayStation Network, or you can play solo and have the computer take over her actions.

[ 本帖最后由 贪吃的蝴蝶 于 2008-7-23 22:10 编辑 ]

