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Ninja Gaiden coming to the Wii VC


Ninja Gaiden coming to the Wii
Hold your horses though, as we're talking about classic Ninja Gaiden here. 1988 Ninja Gaiden. Not developed by Team Ninja back then (they didn't exist yet), and not developed by them now either. Ah well, it's the game that inspired Xbox Ninja Gaiden that we have come to know and love here in the union, so it's worthy of a mention.
Head over to the ESRB site and do a bit of Ninja Gaiden related searching yourself. Ninja Gaiden for the Wii is there. It's getting an E rating, just like the Ninja Gaiden Trilogy on Super Nintendo, which happens to be the first game that Team Ninja developed, right before their Dead or Alive arcade hit. The rest, as they say, is history.
[ 本帖最后由 renvi 于 2007-5-4 14:51 编辑 ]

