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The worst-selling games of 2006

The game industry is quick to trump its accomplishments; bestsellers, growing revenues, and market expansion. The optimist in us likes that, but what's a pessimist to do? Well the recent issue of EGM (Mar '07) has a listicle that's hard to argue over: the worst-selling games of 2006. Though the always-serious Seanbaby fails to mention a specific source, he says "These games were selected from sales figures of the least purchased games of 2006 -- cold, hard, indisputable measurements of suck." They are:

Unison: Rebels of Rhythm & Dance (PS2)
Kakuto Chojin: Back Alley Brutal (XB)
Frogger Beyond (XB)
Bomberman: Act Zero (XB360)
Freestyle Street Soccer (XB)
Egg Mania: Eggstreme Madness (XB)
Space Ace (XB)
That's a lot of Xbox 1 games. Translation: "She's going down! Send the dross with it!"

