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posted by wap, platform: Samsung


posted by wap, platform: Samsung
原帖由 @alleni3  于 2020-2-3 10:59 AM 发表
别挑事了,google play能和苹果比?
基于全平台(Win、macos、安卓、ios)Chrome的Google Docs, Sheets, Photo,Keep Notes,Drive,吊打苹果同类生态


posted by wap, platform: Samsung


posted by wap, platform: Samsung
原帖由 @amm  于 2020-2-8 02:35 AM 发表
这个东西,谁都是二选一的在用,我不可能既用Chrome又用Safari,既用Keep又用Notes,既用Google Docs又用macOS下的Word或者Pages,我全部的文档和信息肯定都是二选其一并且尽量都固定在一个生态下的;对于最终用户来说,他的最终选择就是最优解,落选者就是被吊打者,一个智力正常且两者都体验过和对比过并最终做出选择的人,得出一个吊打另一个的结论我觉得是很正常的——但是确实是很多苹果爱好者没试验过谷歌的那一套东西,我以前就是这种人,以为什么都是苹果的最好,也就是楼主说的那一类。我妹在美国念博士,她的所有文章和资料都在Google里,我问了下,她同学大部分也都是如此,所以我认为至少在这个人群里,Google吊打苹果没什么问题。我觉得,就说做软件,Google比苹果做得好这个事情没有那么难获得认同吧?

本帖最后由 grammyliu 于 2020-2-12 10:13 通过手机版编辑



Microsoft has by far the best ecosystem, in the sense that it covers the broadest range of applications from home games consoles and HoloLens to cloud server farms. You may not like every bit of it, but there is almost nothing that you cannot do with it.

Apple’s ecosystem is very small in comparison, and most of it could be replaced by part of the Microsoft ecosystem.

Google’s ecosystem is larger, but probably every part of it could be replaced by part of the Microsoft ecosystem.

Based on one of my earlier answers, this is how the three ecosystems work….

Apple makes most of its money from selling devices that work at the edge — iPhones, iPads, Macs etc — and doesn’t focus on the cloud, except as an enabler. Everything it does is designed to sell more devices.

Google makes most of its money from selling advertising alongside cloud services — search, Gmail, Google Apps etc — and it wants all your data in the cloud. Devices at the edge are just enablers.

Microsoft’s strategy is “intelligent cloud, intelligent edge”. It wants smart devices — including Macs, iPhones, Android phones etc — connected to its smart services and Azure cloud. However, if you want to do everything in house, with your own PCs and servers, or build your own cloud with Azure Stack, Microsoft supports that too.

To sum up, Apple’s ecosystem is largely Apple device-centric, while Google’s ecosystem is largely cloud-centric. Microsoft’s ecosystem aims to cover both devices and clouds, including non-Microsoft operating systems and devices.

When it comes to the practical effects, Apple doesn’t really support anything that isn’t Apple, apart from an ancient offering of iTunes for Windows. (Apple neeeded Windows users to buy iPods.) Google doesn’t really support anything that isn’t Google.

Microsoft, in contrast, supports Apple’s ecosystem with Office, Office 365 and iOS apps. Microsoft supports Google Chrome and Apple’s Safari for online use. It also supports Linux inside Windows 10, and it supports Linux on Azure. It supports Linux and Apple programming in Visual Studio, including Mono for creating iOS apps.

The weakness in Microsoft’s ecosystem is the lack of a smartphone platform, but it has turned this into a strength. There are dozens of Microsoft apps for both Android and iOS. With Microsoft Launcher, an Android phone basically becomes a Windows phone.

If you limited yourself to Apple’s ecosystem, you’d have to give up most of the world’s devices and all the most successful business software and services.

If you limited yourself to Google’s ecosystem, you’d have to give up almost all of the on-premise software including Microsoft Office, Windows Server and major programs such as Exchange, SQL Server, Sharepoint and so on. You’d also have to give up Adobe CS and countless Windows applications.

If you use Microsoft’s ecosystem, you don’t really have to give anything up, except maybe Google’s Cloud Platform and AWS. Also, there isn’t a version of Office for Linux desktops, partly because it’s not a commercial proposition, but the online version works fine.

The whole point of Microsoft’s ecosystem is that it’s inclusive, not exclusive. It supports Macs and iOS devices, and Android devices, and everything online. Adobe CS and Firefox and millions of third-party Windows programs are all part of the Microsoft ecosystem. So, now, are LinkedIn and GitHub.

It’s interesting that both Apple and Google make most of their money by selling things directly to consumers and/or advertisers. Historically, Microsoft has made most of its money though indirect sales, through partnerships.

Most people don’t buy Windows from Microsoft, they buy it from a PC maker. Most people didn’t buy Office from Microsoft, they bought it from a retailer. Most people didn’t buy Exchange email from Microsoft, they bought it from a partner or service provider. For decades, Microsoft only made money when somebody else made money, and this colored its whole ecosystem approach.

Today, that’s changing with direct sales of Offce 365 and Azure, and the launch of the Surface line, where Microsoft is competing against its own customers. But, so far, the broad ecosystem itself has not changed. Indeed, under Nadella, it’s getting broader, not narrower.

The ultimate aim is that Microsoft will still have the best ecosystem, even if 1.5 billion people stopped using Windows (which they won’t). Neither Apple nor Google could survive a similar seismic shift.


posted by wap, platform: Samsung
原帖由 @舟易行  于 2020-2-10 09:03 AM 发表

