thez 发表于 2010-6-19 11:17 本帖最后由 thez 于 2010-6-19 11:23 编辑 原文:http://ds.ign.com/articles/110/1100156p1.html 因为人数很多,我大概只翻译了三分之二不到的编辑,略有删节。 现在看来最大的问题就是3D效果不得不让人保持一定姿势,时间久了很容易累。 Hilary Goldstein: 3DS太牛逼了,太他妈的牛逼了!我甚至不在乎什么3D效果(我3D看久了会有点想吐)。我想要在DS上玩到比PSP上更出色的MGS,想想看这有多棒?虽然3D效果看上去挺酷,但是舒服的摇杆和优秀的机能才是我要的。任天堂制作了一个了不起的主机。如此之多的演示游戏令人惊讶,任天堂获得了第三方的大力支持,我都等不及主机发售了。 Mark Ryan Sallee: 3DS将成为3D眼镜的替代品,但不仅仅如此。3DS的效果棒极了,使得3D电视和3D眼镜看上去像原始人的产物。虽然3DS对于角度变化相比电影院3D更加敏感,但是对我来说,它看起来可比GT5的3D效果舒服多了。更重要的是,一点都不费眼。 尽管3D效果看起来不错,但我不认为它会给游戏方式带来什么变化。如果任天堂是通过跟踪头部运动来实现3D,那么会带来很多新的玩法,可惜不是这样。 Brian Altano: 人们原本以为WII会给游戏操作带来革命性的变化,但事实上没有,即使是后来的Motion Plus也没有。因此在我进入3DS试玩区时带着期望又有些许怀疑,但出乎意料,3DS的不可思议完全吸引了我。 我立刻沉浸在愉快的享受之中,毫无疑问,这台掌机在今后几年会给我带来快乐的时光。宽屏3D带来的享受是难以言喻的,必须亲身体会。展示区大量的游戏也给我留下了深刻的印象。摇杆刚开始觉得有些松散,不够灵敏,但是在玩了几个游戏之后我就改变了想法,只需要几分钟就能适应它。 任何对于任天堂在掌机领域统治地位可能被苹果或其他便携设备所威胁的怀疑都烟消云散,今后几年,在3DS上你能玩到最优秀的掌上游戏。 Erik Brudvig: 3DS是绝妙的技术,我对3D最大的怨念就是SB的眼镜,我绝不会戴着它看电影或玩游戏,感谢任天堂! 唯一的遗憾是我必须在一个特定的区域让自己视线集中,我不愿意在玩掌机时还让自己板着身子,尽管如此,3DS仍给我留下了美妙的印象。 Levi Buchanan: 在试玩20分钟后,3DS给我留下了深刻的印象。这是革命性的主机。我的第一个游戏是动物之森,随着镜头的旋转,人物、树木和地面之间所展现出来的不同的空间距离感使我不由大笑起来。在任天猫狗中当我扔出飞盘,我的狗去把它捡回来时,同样体现了这种空间感。当我的狗狗用爪子拍打屏幕,并低下头让我挠痒时,我几乎不敢相信任天堂所做到的效果。 虽然3D效果很酷,但是它需要你的配合。你必须把视线集中在上屏上。如果你放松你的眼睛,或者看看下屏或其它什么东西,3D效果就消失了,只留下重影。尽管很短暂,但仍然破环印象。而且你必须保持主机和你一定距离,如果你拉近或者拉远,那就必须重新调节3D效果滑片, 我今年不期待能再看到3DS,任天堂需要时间去完善它。我相信任天堂对上面的这些问题都已经有所认识,并可能有解决的办法。让我们拭目以待。毫无疑问的是,3DS是本次展会的主角,我采访的每个制作人都问我是否玩过并想知道我的感想。尽管我都向他们表达了我的保留意见,但我的第一个反应通常是一个微笑。 Martin Robinson: 3DS是游戏业界的变革者。作为一个平台,它让人充满敬畏。试玩的游戏对3D效果的展示令人印象深刻,从MGS的巨大森林,到Kid Icarus杂耍般地飞过巨大的峡谷。展会上没有提供试玩的游戏名单同样庞大,从飞行员之翼到重制OOT到街霸4. 而最让人兴奋的则是游戏之外的东西,3DS会成为便携式的3D电影播放器和照相机。这会让他成为新技术爱好者的随身听,不论是否是玩家。 Nick Kolan: 任天堂发布会结束后,我整个人都放松了下来,回过头来,我们的不少编辑都宣称3DS是一个巨大的成功。我过去曾担心无眼镜的3D技术对任天堂来说是否会是太过复杂的技术,以致它会推迟发布?两天后,我试玩的机会来了。 星际火狐是我第一个,也是最想玩的游戏,但把它放在第一个试玩也许是个错误,因为我花了大量时间去适应3D效果和找到合适的位置。接下去我玩了MGS,当一只鳄鱼把它的大嘴晃出屏幕时,我知道我爱上这主机了。 我觉得很有必要指出,3D效果的前提是你必须和机器保持相对静止,所以相对DS,它也许并不太适合在公路上玩。 Jack DeVries: 3DS给人留下了深刻的印象,在它刚发布时我对它的效果有所怀疑,当我真的玩到的时候,所有的怀疑都消失了,酷毙了。事实上,摇杆和画面提升的效果更让我激动。我可不是收了钱才说3DS的好话,保持手和头一动不动地玩半小时,这一切让我觉得疲倦,我不确定自己能不能坚持地更久。 尽管如此我还是为它而兴奋,3D照片的效果很酷。即使关闭3D,游戏的效果也棒极了,游戏的阵容令人震惊。星际火狐作为首发游戏令我兴奋,第三方也是前途光明。
Hands On: A Few Stolen Moments With Nintendo’s Stunning 3DS * By Chris Kohler Email Author * June 15, 2010 | * 3:06 pm | * Categories: Portable Gaming * The new Nintendo 3DS delivers a stunning 3-D effect without requiring clunky glasses. Photo: Jim Merithew/Wired.com LOS ANGELES — Nintendo’s new 3DS hardware is, in a word, unbelievable. The company didn’t talk about how its stunning technology works during Tuesday’s brief demo for members of the press. But work it does: Without using special glasses, you can see a deep, rich 3-D display on the top screen of the new Nintendo 3DS portable. NINTENDO 3DS FEATURES: Twin screens Top is 3.5-inch 3-D display; bottom is touch panel. Technology Possibly parallel barrier LCD. Cameras Twin cameras on back for 3-D photography. Gyro and motion sensors Should introduce new types of movement-based gameplay. The short, interactive demos Nintendo showed after its conference Monday morning included peeks at new Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil games. A slider on the right-hand side of the screen lets you adjust how “deep” the 3-D effect looks. You can take it all the way down to zero and see the games in 2-D, or you can crank it up. I found about 80 percent intensity was just right for my eyes. When I had the 3-D effect all the way up, I couldn’t quite focus on the scene in front of me. (It’ll likely be different depending on the individual player.) Konami is producing a version of its hit PlayStation 3 game Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater for the Nintendo 3DS. The demo showed a first-person sequence in which all sorts of crazy things happened to hero Solid Snake, all playing with the 3-D effect: Knives flew at the camera, and a massive alligator snapped its long jaws. In the second half of the demo, Snake walked across a bridge and avoided enemies in his usual style. While we couldn’t control him, we could use the analog stick on the 3DS to adjust the camera and see the 3-D scene from many different angles. That analog stick on the side of the unit, by the way, is pretty fantastic. In sharp contrast to the Sony PSP’s tiny analog nub, it’s a wide, convex pad that lets your thumb sit comfortably inside as you control the game. A standard digital control pad sits below it. The back of the Nintendo 3DS looks ordinary enough. Photo: Jim Merithew/Wired.com Capcom’s Resident Evil demo was a bit less involved. It was just a brief cinematic scene showing a few characters talking about something. (Probably zombies: I was too busy checking out the 3-D effects to pay attention to what they were saying.) The graphics, which are much more advanced than you’d expect from Nintendo, left me pretty much in disbelief. They’re on a level with Sony’s PSP, probably even a little better than that. But the eye-popping 3-D effect makes everything that much richer. The other demo Nintendo showed wasn’t a game at all. It was a collection of 3-D scenes from various Nintendo games. Each tableau, like a shoebox diorama, was animated, and we could move the camera around to better see how the 3-D effect made the characters pop. Familiar faces from Mario, Zelda and Pikmin danced and played onscreen while we tilted the camera around. You can only see the 3-D effect if you’re looking at the 3DS screen straight on, although there’s a good amount of fudge factor there — you can move the unit around quite a bit and still get the effect. It’s not as if you have to hold your hands in the exact perfect place. If you tilt the unit away from your face so it’s almost at a 180-degree angle, you can still see the 3-D effect. If you tilt it left and right, you’ll lose the effect and the picture will go smudgy, like what happens when you remove your glasses during a 3-D movie. Nintendo will surely have actual games on the show floor when the E3 Expo opens later Tuesday. But this quick look made it easy to understand that the new 3DS really does do full-on 3-D without glasses.
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: Nintendo goes Hands Wired new
http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/20100616_374649.html 重点: 从远处看完全没啥立体感,就好比看电视表面贴着个膜的弄得好像有点3D效果似的,囧 轮到自己跑进一看,整个世界都清静了,是那种纵深感超强烈的立体效果! 透过3D的遮膜看上去画面的精细度稍稍有点变差,不过没发现变胡和抖动,看的时间短(每个人2分钟),眼睛也暂时没啥难受 说起这个3D的感觉,就好比站在一小窗口前看外面的世界的那种,调节3D纵深感也不是平面调整到立体那种,而是纵深幅度的强弱 排队的宅男腐女们看前都是半信半疑抱着鄙视的态度,等趴下去一瞅立马被雷倒/电翻,可谓是第一印象大大地背叛的大家的期待的那种 调和 发表于 2010-6-16 08:55
原帖由 长牛角 于 2010-6-16 10:51 发表 生化那段明显是说在播片啊