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[新闻] Tom Henderson:《碧海黑帆》算上免费试玩也没有百万用户,但《刺客信条4》在复刻中

Chat with RTX总结DF评测: 4A游戏?運行性能差不多但画面效果不一致 玩法和设计也不行 几乎是自接提取自6年前的游戏

Title: Skull & Bones: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly - And The Utterly Incomprehensible - DF Tech Review
Channel: Digital Foundry
Upload Date: 2024-02-24

In conclusion, the video discusses the game "Skull & Bones" and its issues with character animation, texture quality, and gameplay. The video also mentions the game's claim of being a quadruple A game, but the video suggests that the game does not meet the expectations of a quadruple A game. The video also mentions the game's poor performance on all platforms and the inconsistent visuals. The video concludes by stating that the game has good technical execution on the PC version, but the consoles have good consistent performance in all of their modes but at the same time you've got very inconsistent visuals that are especially inconsistent on the console versions and their performance modes. The video also mentions that the gameplay is much too bogged down in design that seems lifted from other games that have nothing to do with the pirate Motif nearly 6 years ago.

