原帖由 @lili2k2 于 2020-11-13 14:25 发表 所以传说的SSD增强显卡算力,只有PS5才能跑虚幻5满画质还是等等再看吧。
原帖由 @waterlove 于 2020-11-13 16:35 发表 我软粉丝还说XSX是25T的
原帖由 @snakegtr 于 2020-11-13 16:46 发表 “然而近日,PS4首席架构师Mark Cerny在接受媒体采访时爆料,PS4 Pro的真实性能远不止此,其运算能力可以达到8.4Tflops”
原帖由 @myounger 于 2020-11-13 18:47 发表 话说今晚也不用等DF的刺客视频,因为DF根本还没开始测 https://forum.beyond3d.com/threa ... ge115#post2174446 Dictator I am working on this video and have yet to even play the games as I just finished my Watch Dogs Legion work. So John is just saying that there from his minor experience between the two consoles and a subjective one. I will see how it performs with the tools, perhaps it is that way. Perhaps not. 这个Dictator就是DF的Alex,放心他是PCMR所以不会有倾向