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posted by wap, platform: 红米Note3
Steph Curry & KD are both averaging over 27 PPG and shooting 50%. No team in NBA history has ever had 2 players do that in the same season. (i.reddituploads.com)

[–]erldn123 273 points 13 hours ago
Small sample size......but they definitely will keep that pace IMO.
[–]MavericksCharlesBarkley- 146 points 12 hours ago
They might end up both averaging 50/40/90 with 27+ ppg.
[–] Wilt ChamberlainLandanRoss98 115 points 12 hours ago
at the rate theyre going, steph could go 50/50/90 and durant could go 55/40/90
按他们现在的进度下去,库里会达到投篮50%,三分50%,罚球90%的命中率, 杜兰特会是投篮55%,三分球40%,罚球90%。
[–]WarriorsNolanJones 279 points 11 hours ago
well, at the rate they are going Steph will literally be 50.6/47.5/89.8 and KD will literally be 56.2/40.4/86.6. Klay will be 45.7/31.9/93.8.
按他们现在的进度, 库里会是50.6% 47.5% 89.8%, 杜兰特会是56.2% 40.4% 86.6%
克莱会是 45.7% 31.9% 93.8%
[–]WarriorsMankriks_Mistress 105 points 11 hours ago
This guy maths.
[–]76erstenyor 3 points 7 hours ago
Neither are centers, which is even more impressive imo
[–]WarriorsIronAntPokemon 13 points 11 hours ago
They're on pace to hit 100 more three pointers than they did as a team last season.
[–]Trail BlazersKoinophobia- 11 points 11 hours ago
Wow they really are a super team..
[–]Warriorszzresolutezz 169 points 13 hours ago
If LeBron and Wade can average 26.7 and 25.5 on a slow-paced team, Durant and Curry can definitely average 27+ each on a fast-paced team.
Not sure why so many people said Curry's scoring would drop significantly.
如果勒布朗和韦德能在一支慢节奏的球队里场均26.7分和25.5分, 那么杜兰特和库里肯定是能在快节奏的球队场均各自27+的。
[–]76ersBirdRights 55 points 12 hours ago
yeah i never thought their numbers would drop. KD is getting easier looks than ever, and steph is still steph. plus they will easily lead the league in scoring as a team. even klay will still put up his usual numbers.
没错,我从没认为他们的数据会下滑。 杜兰特的出手机会比任何时候都更轻松, 库里仍然还是那个库日天。 而且他们可以轻松地让球队得分领先全联盟。即使是克莱都照样会交出通常的数据。
[–] Wilt ChamberlainLandanRoss98 38 points 12 hours ago
people even in our sub were saying steph would average like 23/10 and as cool as it would be for steph to average a double double like that, he just isn't that kind of player, and we don't play in that kind of system. also steph isn't gonna drop 7ppg just because durant is there. i think he'll have 27-28 ppg. he's on a nice 30 point streak as is
就算是在湿乎乎都有人在说库里会场均砍个23+10, 强如库里也没法交出这样的两双数据, 他就不是这种类型的球员, 而且我勇的体系也不是这样的打法。 库里场均得分也不会因为杜兰特的到来就下滑7分。我认为他会场均砍个27-28分, 他现在已经处于一波30+得分潮中了。
[–]CelticsBarkevious_MemeO 5 points 12 hours ago
I thought Steph could take on more of a pass first kind of role, average 10 assists a game.
[–]WarriorsKevinAndrewsPhoto 37 points 11 hours ago
To average 10 assists a game it would require Kerr to completely change the offense. And just make Steph control the ball every possession.
But Steph and Klay are most lethal when running around screens.
If Steph were in Houston or OKCs system i'm sure he would average 10+ assists. .
要想场均10次助攻,那科尔必须完全改变整个进攻体系才行。 让库里每个回合都控球才行。
如果库里在火箭或者雷霆的体系中, 我确定他可以场均10+助攻。
[–]aivlysten 18 points 10 hours ago
I'm always amazed by how much people never learn to understand how assists work. you don't average more assists by being "pass-first," you average more assists by being ball-dominant and not having to share touches. adding another star offensive player is never going to make assists go up, unless their offensive prowess comes very disproportionately off of finishing plays rather than shot creation.
我一直都很吃惊这么多的人根本不懂助攻数是怎么来的。 “传球第一”的打法并不能给你带来更多场均助攻数, 之所以场均助攻多是因为统治球权掌控,不必跟他人分享触球数。 球队新增一名进攻端的球星绝对不会让你的助攻数上升,除非他们的进攻能力非常不成比例地完全来自终结进攻,而不是自主创造投篮机会。
[–] Stephen Currythemuaddib 83 points 13 hours ago*
50% on field goals is actually underselling it. Both of them are around 67%+ true shooting, which is absolutely ridiculous. It's why we have the best offense in the NBA despite Klay shooting 30% on threes
50%的投篮命中率实际上还未能体现他们的牛逼, 此二人真实命中率都达到了67%+左右, 这绝壁上超级逆天的存在。 这就是为什么尽管克莱3分球很渣,我勇仍然打出了NBA最好的进攻。
[–]higgsboson51 21 points 9 hours ago
And Klay's scoring has improved drastically in the last few games, so I'm sure his numbers will go up too.
克莱的得分在过去几场大幅提高, 所有我很确定他的命中率数据也会继续涨。
[–]Warriorssumchinesewill 15 points 7 hours ago
The passing of prop 64 is a godsend for Klay.
(64号提案在11月8号加州刚进行了公投,容許21歲以上成人持有最高一盎司的大 麻作為娛樂使用,並能在家種植最多六株大 麻;此前加州仅允许医疗用大 麻合法, 而64提案的通过让大 麻娱乐合法化)

[–]New Jersey NetsKashMoney941 30 points 13 hours ago
If Klay manages to get out of this slump soon (I think he will but we'll see), then its pretty much game over for the rest of the league.
[–]WestDubsGoats 44 points 12 hours ago*
Klay shooting 50+% from three the last 5 games
[–]joeypeepy 56 points 12 hours ago
Closest I could think of was in '87, McHale averaged over 26 a game on 60% shooting and Bird averaged over 27 a game on 53/40/91.
我记得最接近这数据的是87年的麦克海尔场均26分,60%命中率, 伯德场均27分,三项命中率53%/40%/91%
[–]joeypeepy 6 points 9 hours ago
Imagine the #s McHale could've put up if he was the #1 option on some regular team? Just an incredible scorer.
想象一下麦克海尔如果是在一支普通球队作为大当家那他的数据不得更爆表? 超逆天的得分手。
[–]Bullsb1oconnor 20 points 13 hours ago
That's pretty amazing. Has any two teammates averaged 30+ ppg before?
这非常不可思议, 曾经有哪2名队友场均都干过30+得分么?
[–] Gerald Wallacehercules-rockefeller 53 points 13 hours ago
Elgin Baylor and Jerry West did it in 1962
[–]Lakers_Meece_ 22 points 13 hours ago
Kobe and shaq averaged 28 each in 2001, then in 2003 Kobe averaged 30 and Shaq averaged 27.
科比和沙克在2001年场均各自砍过28分, 然后2003年科比场均30, 沙克场均27.

