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索尼澄清了PS5兼容PS4的细节,overwhelming majority都可以玩

posted by wap, platform: iPhone

A quick update on backward compatibility – With all of the amazing games in PS4’s catalog, we’ve devoted significant efforts to enable our fans to play their favorites on PS5. We believe that the overwhelming majority of the 4,000+ PS4 titles will be playable on PS5.

We’re expecting backward compatible titles will run at a boosted frequency on PS5 so that they can benefit from higher or more stable frame rates and potentially higher resolutions. We’re currently evaluating games on a title-by-title basis to spot any issues that need adjustment from the original software developers.

In his presentation, Mark Cerny provided a snapshot into the Top 100 most-played PS4 titles, demonstrating how well our backward compatibility efforts are going. We have already tested hundreds of titles and are preparing to test thousands more as we move toward launch. We will provide updates on backward compatibility, along with much more PS5 news, in the months ahead. Stay tuned!

本帖最后由 论坛之星 于 2020-3-21 02:53 通过手机版编辑


posted by wap, platform: iPhone
1. 超过4000款PS4游戏里面大部分都可以直接玩
2. 兼容将以更稳定帧数/更高帧数呈现,可能有更高分辨率

