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[新闻] 生化8严重剧透包含结局,不想看的千万别进来

What's the deal with Chris :
Chris is not evil. He has left the BSAA and went rogue. He's trying to find and kill the main villain of the game, a woman with morphing abilities. Chris has been hunting her for three years, she's extremely dangerous, and the methods he's taking to take her down is something the BSAA would never approve of. At the beginning of the game, the person he shoots isn't Mia, it's this person. Also, you play the entire later half of the game as Chris.

>What's the deal with Ethan :
You play as Ethan during the first half of the game. He's then confronted by the main villain and his fate is unknown while we play as Chris. You retake control of Ethan for the final boss. He dies during the battle and ask Chris to take care of his daugther named Rose.

The main villain :
>She's not Alex like most people think. Her name is Miranda and she's seemingly connected to Eveline and the Mold from RE7. She can change her appareance and transform into a huge molded dragon-like monster at the end.

>Ethan's and Mia's daugther :
Her name is Rose and she's apparently/supposedly the reincarnation of Eveline. Miranda disguised herself as Mia to try to steal her but got shot by Chris. Later, she was able to steal her from Chris. The village treats Rose as some kind of godess.

>The Ending :
Chris decides to retire, in order to be able to properly raise Rose as his surrogate daugther. There is a huge time skip, between 15 to 20 years. It's the late 2030s. Rose is an adult, Chris is an old man, She's visiting Ethan's grave when an agent parks nearby and she goes to him as they have a job for her. The agent jokingly calls her Eveline which makes her very angry. She then use some Wesker-style martial art against the agent before threatening him to not call her like that or she'll use a "technique/power" that even Chris doesn't even know about.




[ 本帖最后由 金丝肉松饼 于 2020-12-14 13:19 编辑 ]


原帖由 shenghua3 于 2020-12-14 14:38 发表

