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posted by wap, platform: iPad
The Xbox One Might Be Getting A NES Emulator
Nintendo Life | Latest News - 6/9/16 下午8:57
Legal notice incoming?
Given this is a Nintendo-focused site many of you may not be aware that it is now possible for Windows developers to submit their applications for release on the Xbox One. It's all part of Microsoft's overarching plan to unify its business interests and should - on the whole - result in benefits for console users.

Such a move opens the door for things like emulators, which are rife on the Windows Store and Google Play market. Whether or not Microsoft will allow such apps to be made available on the Xbox One remains to be seen, but we'll probably know sooner rather than later as a NES emulator has already been submitted for approval:

#nesbox UWP version with Xbox support is ready, passing Windows Store certification pic.twitter.com/PbKxU2owTc

— nesbox.com (@nesboxcom) September 5, 2016

From a legal perspective there's nothing wrong with such emulators, provided they don't include any code taken from the console's original BIOS. The issue arises when it comes to actually playing anything on the app - for that, you need ROM files and these are naturally covered by copyright.

Microsoft may decline to approve the release of the app - the developer has been waiting since September 2nd - or it could let it slip, paving the way for Nintendo games on your Xbox One. Of course, it's at that point that we'd imagine Nintendo's legal team might step in and have a word.

Which way do you think this will go? Let us know with a comment.


posted by wap, platform: iPad

What is NESbox? It is a multiplatform emulator of video consoles. You can play your favorite NES, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis and GameBoy Color/Advanced games on any computer working under Windows 8.1/RT/Phone or directly in the browser. Nesbox Emulator brings you to the magic world of games of the XX century.

Recently, it appears that NESbox is ready for release on Xbox One as a UWP app. It’s currently in certification for the Xbox One.

