As you know, we continuously tune our GPUs in order to maximize their performance within their given power envelopes and the speed of the memory interface, which in this case is an unprecedented 8 Gbps for GDDR5. Recently, we identified select scenarios where the tuning of some RX 480 boards was not optimal. Fortunately, we can adjust the GPU's tuning via software in order to resolve this issue. We are already testing a driver that implements a fix, and we will provide an update to the community on our progress on Tuesday (July 5, 2016).
原帖由 @ppkkhh 于 2016-7-3 11:14 发表 我现在常说gpu部门这个大头,阿三是个傻 逼
原帖由 @ppkkhh 于 2016-7-3 11:25 发表 先看看驱动吧,如果驱动只是锁住功耗,强制降频 那阿三就太他妈可恶了
原帖由 Tobar 于 2016-7-3 11:59 发表 这涨两百又涨两百的,何不去买1060
原帖由 DeepSearchz 于 2016-7-3 12:48 发表 1060会锁频率不让超吗?
原帖由 @jjx01 于 2016-7-3 12:55 发表 Were you dual mining? YES Overclocking? NO, actually I had the clock less the standard Increase Power Limit? NO 喷了,降频跑还是烧了