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街霸5最强人间性能Punk被CPT官方制裁 下次比赛被直接从败者组开始

posted by wap, platform: Android
Capcom's Statement Regarding Punk's Punishment for CPT Online
On August 15th during the North America West 1 Qualifier, Alex Myers defeated Victor "Punk" Woodley. At the conclusion of the match, Punk engaged in unsportsmanlike conduct against tournament organizer Alex Valle on Discord and player Alex Myers on Twitter.

This was a clear violation of the CPT Code of Conduct. Under normal circumstances, such behavior would result in a suspension from multiple premiers. However, given the limited number of qualifying events this season, such a ban has excessive consequences.

Capcom has therefore ruled that, should he choose to participate, Punk will automatically start in the losers bracket in the North America West 2 Qualifier in November 2020.

We recognize that has been a frustrating year, but threats and insults amongst our top players cannot be tolerated. We hope that this ruling closes this issue and that all parties can move on from the incident.

Punk每次输比赛都会找理由 这次喷人喷的狠了一点 然后自己也被抓包
当然Crapcom更屌 街霸5网联质量不行还不让人喷真是喷了
街霸5联网拉垮两大问题 一个是one side rollback 另一个是input mashing会造成对面lag

真是喷了 所以下次北米西区比赛掉到败者组的人得被Punk血洗  后果将惨不忍睹  有人说这根本不算惩罚Punk:企鹅蹬腿:

本帖最后由 hydelete 于 2020-8-21 18:24 通过手机版编辑


posted by wap, platform: Android
Punk发视频回应了 表示感谢卡普空没有完全ban他:企鹅蹬腿:

