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EVO可能要完蛋了。。。【Evo Online 2020宣布取消】

posted by wap, platform: Android
原因是EVO创办人Joey曾涉嫌滥用职权搞未成年人 准确地说 是小男孩……

结合最近大乱斗玩家群爆出的各种丑闻 恋童 性侵等 整个格斗游戏圈可能药丸……至少当前正在全面加速中……

本帖最后由 hydelete 于 2020-7-3 09:39 通过手机版编辑


posted by wap, platform: Android
得 现在确定Evo整个在线比赛都取消了  事主已经承认了罪状  调查也省了

至于有没有其他品牌能取代EVO呢 当然是有的  比如CEO 和Combo Break 没了EVO它们就是龙头


posted by wap, platform: Android
EVO Statement
In the past 24 hours, in response to serious allegations recently made public on Twitter, we have made the first of a series of important decisions regarding the future of our company. Effective immediately, Joey Cuellar will no longer be involved with EVO in any capacity. We are currently working towards his complete separation from the company and have relieved him of all responsibilities.

Going forward, Tony Canon will act as CEO; in this position, he will take a leadership role in prioritizing greater accountability across EVO, both internally and at our events.

Progress doesn't happen overnight, nor without the bravery of those who speak up against misconduct and injustice. We are shocked and saddened by these events, but we are listening and committed to making every change that will be necessary in making EVO a better model for the stronger, safer culture we all seek. As a result, we will be canceling EVO Online and will be working to issue refunds to all players who chose to purchase a badge. We will donate the equivalent of the proceeds as promised to Project HOPE.

官方申明 CEO火速更换 我估摸着估计有内斗

