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engadget E3现场报道:Wii U主机近照 IBM的CPU好象很NB?

engadget E3现场报道:Wii U手柄近照(有视频) http://club.tgfcer.com/thread-6340375-1-1.html

http://www.engadget.com/2011/06/ ... -in-nintendo-wii-u/

IBM puts Watson's brains in Nintendo Wii U

Nintendo's new console, the Wii U, was finally unveiled to the world today at E3 2011, and we got a glimpse of its graphical prowess at the company's keynote. Details were scarce about the IBM silicon Nintendo's new HD powerhouse was packing, but we did some digging to get a little more info. IBM tells us that within the Wii U there's a 45nm custom chip with "a lot" of embedded DRAM. It's a silicon on insulator design and packs the same processor technology found in Watson, the supercomputer that bested a couple of meatbags on Jeopardy awhile back. Unfortunately, IBM wouldn't give us the chip's clock speeds, but if it's good enough to smoke Ken Jennings on national TV, we imagine it'll do alright against its competition from Sony and Microsoft.



任天堂的新主机Wii的铀,终于展现在当今世界在E3 2011年,我们得到了它的图形实力在该公司的基调可见一斑。详情关于IBM硅任天堂的新型HD厂房差点以为包装,但我们做了一些挖掘,得到多一点的信息。 IBM公司告诉我们,在Wii ü内有一个45纳米嵌入式DRAM与“很大的”定制芯片。这是一个绝缘体上硅和包装设计相同的处理器技术,沃森,超级计算机击败了一对情侣在前面杰帕迪meatbags发现。不幸的是,IBM会不会给我们的芯片的时钟速度,但如果它不够好烟在国家电视台肯詹宁斯,我们可以凭想象它来自索尼和微软的竞争很好。

http://www.engadget.com/photos/n ... le-eyes-on/#4201996

