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Wii 网页浏览器明年6月前免费


Opera Software today announced details on its browser for Nintendo’s soon-to-be released game console, Wii. Opera’s full Web browser is available for download from the "Wii Shop Channel". Nintendo has stated that they will offer Opera free of charge as a temporary promotion for all Wii users until June 2007.

From July 2007, users can purchase the Opera browser using Wii points. Wii points are credits users can buy that allow them to add new games or the Opera browser to their Wii consoles. The number of Wii points required to purchase Opera has not yet been announced.

With support for Flash and AJAX-based content such as Google maps, Wii users will benefit from a feature-rich Internet experience that is uniquely customized for the Wii. Opera for Wii boasts the same complete standards support as the Opera 9 Desktop browser, and includes the added functionality of "Zoom" and "Bookmarks". The Wii remote control will also be an integral part of browsing, allowing users to intuitively control the Web with their Wii remotes.

之后用点数在Shop Channel下载,具体需要消费的点数现在还没定
浏览器支持 Flash 和 基于 AJAX 的网页

P.S.:这次公布的是美版的情况,日版14号已经在官方网站说明 “インターネットブラウザはダウンロード販売 ただし、2007年6月末までは無償でダウンロード可能”

